The Inquisitor’s New Ride: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | January 3rd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The Inquisitor is in hot pursuit of his Rebel prey, and he needs a new ride. Combat Interdictor to the rescue! They won’t stand a chance.

It’s time to get this Interdictor into the fight. This ship may not look like much with only 4 dice out of its front arc, but the key to get the most out of this ship is to double arc your opponents for an 8 dice blast! This build will focus on positioning to get the most out of those double shots!

The first upgrade will be the Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams. This upgrade will make so that you may reduce the speed of a ship of your size class or smaller by 1 when you activate. This may not seem like a good idea since you want to get in close to medium range, but have patience. One small not,  is that the ship you Tractor Beam may spend a navigate token to prevent being tractored. This will factor into a later upgrade. 

The Grand Inquisitor is what makes this build run! When an enemy ship at range 1-5 changes its speed,you may exhaust the Inquisitor to increase or decrease your speed by 1. This can either speed you up to match an enemy ship’s high speed maneuvers or slow down enough so that you keep them in your sights. This can potentially free up your commands to forgo Navigate in the later rounds in favor of Engineering to get those shields back up!

Ion Cannon Batteries have good synergy with you Tractor Beams. Since your targeted ships can spend a Navigate token to escape your clutches, make them pay for it with the critical ability of your Ion Cannons. You may choose a command token from the defender and force them to discard it. If they don’t have a command token the defending hull zone loses an additional shield. This can burn down your enemies defenses in a hurry and leave them with no options for command tokens to get them out of your sights!

It is interesting to use new upgrades on older ships to see what you can get out of them. The Inquisitor rewards ingenuity and results, so you better use your tactics wisely.

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