Tractor Beam Victory: Star Wars Armada Ship Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | January 9th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


The slow moving Victory may be passed up for faster, heavier options, but this build will prove that slow and steady wins the wars!Victory I-class Star Destroyer

The humble Victory Star Destroyer has been crushing the dreams of the Rebellion since the earliest days of Armada. This simple beast of a medium ship has plenty of hull and defenses to weather whatever the Rebels can throw at it, all the while returning fire. The VSD-I is the slow burn type of ship that prefers to take its time getting into the right position to unleash its black dice upon the hapless Rebels. It’s slow speed and lack of maneuverability hinder it in some cases, but this build will give it a leg up! Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams

Tractor Beams allows the VSD-I to catches the smaller Rebel ships right where it wants them. This offensive retrofit allows you to target an enemy ship within range 1-5 when you activate, and forces that ship to either spend 1 navigate token or reduce its speed by 1. Since smaller Rebels ships live and die by their navigation commands/ tokens, this can be a big problem, especially with the VSD-I bearing down on them! Assault Concussion Missiles

Once the Rebel ships are within range, its time to unload the ordnance on them! Assault Concussion Missiles is the perfect such upgrade to blast through any defense. This black crit enables ordnance upgrade deals additional damage to adjacent hull zones from its initial target. This can quickly evaporate the shields of smaller ships, and can deal out damage cards to unshielded hull zones! Veteran Gunners

Ordnance Experts would be expected to be a fitting weapons team with the VSD-I, but we will go with Veteran Gunners. Since the VSD-I has red dice in its forward arc, make them most of their shots by being able to re-roll them at a whim. Once you get in closer, use the Veteran Gunner to re-roll you red and black dice pool, hoping to crush those Rebels with a black critical!

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