Two Ship Imperials: Star Wars Armada Fleet Build

By Barclay Montgomery | January 16th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


It must take extreme hubris to only run two ships in your fleet list, but the Empire has what it takes to make it happen in this new menace to hit Armada!

Imperial II-class Star Destroyer

The Empire can be prideful, but this may be the biggest tactical gamble that pays off big time! The two ship Imperial build features an Imperial Star Destroyer and a Quasar Cruiser-Carrier. That’s all for ships, oh and 134 points dedicated to squadrons! A powerful artillery style ship for the Empire is best utilized with the ISD-II. This medium/ long range beast can dish it out, especially with Gunnery Team on board. Its 4 squadron value can be very valuable in this 2 ship build as well, allowing it to activate 4 crucial squadrons before unleashing its turbolaser fire.Quasar Fire I-class Cruiser-Carrier

The Quasar has been a popular staple for the Empire since its release. This medium ship is almost exclusively dedicated to pushing squadron, and its squadron value of 4 can punch any Rebel ship down a notch or two. This ship must be protected enough to gain value from its squadron activations, but don’t plan on it surviving the battle with only a Brace and Redirect to keep it alive. Grand Admiral Thrown

Grand Admiral Thrawn is the only Imperial officer that can handle a 2 ship build. His ability to set aside 3 separate command dials can give your 2 ships more commands and mileage than normal. You can set your Thrawn dials to activate squadrons, freeing up your actual ship command dials for Navigation or even Concentrating Fire. Governor Pryce

Since you aren’t playing an activation battle, Governor Pryce can be best utilized on your ships. This officer can allow you to activate one of your two ships last in a battle round of your choosing. This can be best utilized at round 2+ in order to give a massive blow to any one ship that comes too close to your ships, all with the wrath of squadrons in tow!

Colonel Jendon

Colonel Jendon is a staple in Imperial fleets that focus on squadrons. Colonel Jendon effectively gives your powerful squadrons a second attack, in place of his. Often seen side by side with Maarek Stele, Colonel Jendon can also give your ships some extra reach in activating squadrons with his Relay 2 ability.

Morna Kee

Go big or go home with Colonel Jenodn and his new partner Morna Kee. This unique Decimator squadron packs as much punch as some small based ships in Armada and she can reroll her dice on a whim by spending her Brace, which regenerates each time she is activated! With Colonel Jendon in tow, you can throw 6 blue dice at an enemy ship! Get your ships ready for this massive list featuring only two ships in Star Wars Armada!

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