Unstoppable Star Destroyer: Star Wars Armada Ship Build

By Barclay Montgomery | December 19th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Star Destroyer

Let nothing stand in your the way of your mission to destroy the Rebellion with this latest Imperial Armada build. There will be no one to stop you!

Imperial Star Destroyer Kuat Refit

The mighty Kuat Star Destroyer is barring down on the Rebellion. This large ship is nearly single-minded in its mission to destroy whichever ships fall within its path. This version of the ISD has no time for squadron commands, and such will be a ship killer brawler. It’s strong forward arc is best used at close range against its targets, and getting in close will benefit this ship with its upgrade suite. Darth Vader

Darth Vader himself will be placed upon the Kuat ISD to bring a quick death to any ship that comes close. As an offensive a weapons team upgrade, Vader allows you to spend a squadron token or dial, and his card to choose an enemy ship at close range; choose and discard an upgrade (not an admiral) equipped to that ship. This could cripple any ship that gets caught in its crosshairs: a critical Reinforced Blast Doors, Gunnery Team on a forward arc based ship, or even Captain Brunson on an Interdictor. Whatever Vader chooses, that ship will go down! Chart Officer

To keep this ship single-minded on its course to target an enemy ship for destruction, equip a Chart Officer. This upgrade allows you to discard its card to ignore the effects of an obstacle after you overlap it. This could prevent the Kuat Killer from suffering critical damage from an asteroid that may be blocking your target. Asteroids do not concern Vader! Assault Concussion Missiles

To further punish your target ship, the Kuat Killer has Assault Concussion Missiles. As a black critical, each hull zone adjacent to the defending hull zone suffers 1 damage. This splash damage can be used more than once an activation with a double arc, and will quickly evaporate an enemies shields. Once the shields go down, their hull won’t last much longer either! Leading Shots

Since Vader is taking up the weapons team slot, Ordnance Experts cannot be used on this brawler. But fear not, the Kuat has a blue die in each firing arc. Leading Shots can be used to get those re-rolls for your black critical dice for ACMs. While attacking, you may spend 1 blue die to re-roll any number of dice in your attack pool. Since your black dice will be sued at close range anyway, you will always have a blue die to spend for your re-rolls.

Bring destruction to the Rebellion with Darth Vader and the Killer Kuat!

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