Armada Battle Report – Rebel Cruisers VS Imperial Duo

By Barclay Montgomery | October 26th, 2016 | Categories: Battle Reports, Star Wars, Star Wars Armada

armada star destryer

An epic Armada Batrep awaits! Double Rebel Star Cruisers face off against the Imperial all-star duo: ISD and Gladiator. Who will win? Watch now!


Rob’s List

MC80 Star Cruiser – Mon Karren + Gunnery Team + XI7 Turbolasers + Spinal Armament + Medical Team + Intel Officer

MC80 Star Cruiser – Liberty + Gunnery Team + XI7 Turbolasers + Spinal Armament + Medical Team + Intel Officer

GR-75 Medium Transport – Leia Organa + Comms Net

GR-75 Medium Transport – General Madine + Comms Net

Dash Rendar, Tycho Celchu, Wedge Antilles


James’ List

Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer – Relentless + Electronic Countermeasures + Gunnery Team + XI7 Turbolasers + Leading Shots + Intel Officer

Gladiator I-Class Star Destroyer – Demolisher + Intel Officer + Engine Techs + Assault Proton Torpedoes + Ordnance Experts

Raider I-Class Corvette – Assault Proton Torpedoes + Ordnance Experts

Gozanti-Class Cruisers – Admiral Screed + Comms Net

Boba Fett, Bossk

Checkout the battle of the Capital ships in today’s Star War Armada battle report!