New Mace Windu Rules Rush Into Action For Star Wars Shatterpoint!

New Star Wars Shatterpoint Boxes featureDon’t miss this exciting rules preview for Shatterpoint for the Jedi Councils’ own Jedi Master, Mace Windu!

If you want to see the core set and where you can grab yours, you can check that out here. Atomic Mass Games has recently dropped new Mace Windu rules for Shatterpoint revealing both his stance cards as well as his stat card.

Diving into the new expansion, you can pre-order it here, or if you’re reading this after it debuts on 8/4/2023, you can pick it up at your local store!


Click here to get yours from Amazon | Asmodee Store

this partys over shatterpointthis partys over shatterpoint 2

New Mace Windu Rules Rush Into Action For Star Wars Shatterpoint!

Mace Windu Unit Card

Tempered Aggression is the ability and quality that best describes Mace Windu’s fighting style, for he does not hesitate to close the distance and attack, using the Force as his ally to transform potential failure to success. His preference for rapidly confronting the foe is facilitated by Rush to Action, which lets him and his allies Dash forward to seize key objectives or strike on their terms. And aggressive as he might be, Jedi Master Windu is not reckless—his every move is executed with his larger strategy in mind.

So revered is Master Windu that just witnessing him engaging the enemy inspires his allies, letting them know that This Party’s Over. This ability grants Steadfast and Protection as a measure of the confidence his allies have in his ultimate victory. But his most formidable ability is Shatterpoint, whereby Windu gains significant benefits at the outset of his activation based on his Active Stance. This will augment his imminent attacks with a focus action enhanced by Impact 2 or can alternately rejuvenate him with Healing and refreshing some of his Focus Tokens. Which brings us to Windu’s two equally formidable Stances.

Having a benefit to choosing Windu with the Shatterpoint card is a really excellent mechanic, especially since it changes depending on your stance.

Alongside that, his Tempered Aggression seems like he could be set up for a nasty attack near the end of the turn order.

Mace Windu Stance Card

When on the attack, Mace Windu prefers Form VII Vaapad, the Stance representing his signature lightsaber form. Form VII in its two variants is considered so aggressive that it carries an inherent peril of temptation to the Dark Side for those of lesser will. Windu has complete mastery of this unusual form, using its strength to overwhelm other duelists. Though powerful, this Stance is straightforward, with high damage potential benefitting from Shatterpoint’s free Impact 2 Focus Action. This Stance’s Combat Tree can opt for raw lethality or trade a small bit of damage to Strain, Expose, or Pin the foe, also potentially inflicting Disarm and an opportunity to Reposition. Windu’s Aggressive Defense Expertise Chart in this Stance is quite strong and offers another chance to Reposition.

Mace Windu

Alternately, Windu’s Jedi Master Stance is slightly more measured, representing him wielding the Force directly against his adversary rather than concentrating entirely on his lightsaber. This is still an aggressive Stance, with a Combat Tree that offers high damage and up to three Shove opportunities, or the option to trade one Shove for a chance to Expose the enemy and Jump to higher ground. While in this Stance, Windu’s Aggressive Defense Expertise Chart becomes even stronger, able to downgrade enemy Strikes and Critical rolls into Failures and potentially gaining the option for Windu to Jump to a better position. Both Stances are quite effective, with the latter being especially useful while seizing Objectives and the former preferred when dueling. 

Windu’s Form VII Vaapad packs quite the punch on offense, having the ability to drop 11 damage on a full move through his tree!

On the other side, in Jedi Master mode, being able to use expertise to turn crits into failures is always nice.

To end this off, Windu is locked to the Clone Wars era, so make sure to consider that when building your squad.

CT-411 Commander Ponds Shatterpoint Rules

CT-411 Commander Ponds shatterpoint rules 2

As a Recon commander, Ponds is well suited to getting his soldiers to a forward position and keeping them safe while seizing the tactical advantage. His Forward Scout innate ability facilitates flexible forward deployment to coordinate with primary units like Jedi Master Mace Windu. Incoming grants immunity to being Exposed to nearby troopers with Hunker tokens, which clone troopers will often benefit from thanks to Defensive Maneuver. Every activation, his Charge tactic allows him to clear the way for an allied character to Dash forward. 

These are pretty wild, as he not only gives all allied Clone Troopes close to him Immunity to Expose but also allows them to scout forward and charge! Expose is a problem coming from Separatists units; this allows the Clone Troopers to take it and, as you’ll see below, dish it out!

CT-411 Commander Ponds shatterpoint rules 3

In battle, Ponds utilizes his Superior Recon stance to fight as a versatile combatant, preferring firing at range with his blaster rifle, but he is nearly as formidable firing his blaster pistols point blank when engaging in melee. His Combat Tree can deal respectable damage and includes tactical options to Reposition himself, or to Shove, Disarm, or Pin his target.

It makes sense he wants to stay at range, but he isn’t too shabby in Combat. The tree doesn’t have too many branches, but the ones he has are quite versatile. You can not only deal extra damage, but reposition, shove, disarm, or even pin.

ARF Clone Troopers Rules

CT-411 Commander Ponds shatterpoint rules 4

ving endured similar but even more extensive training as counterparts like the 212th Clone Troopers, ARF Clone Troopers also benefit from Defensive Maneuver to accelerate an advance and hunker down. They support one another as Brothers in Arms to receive Steadfast from Hunker tokens, and as mentioned also gain Immunity to being Exposed if close to Commander Ponds. Coordinated Fire allows them to work together to Expose an enemy and bring them down. Their intensive recon training gives them the benefit of Lay Low from hunkered positions, gaining even greater defensive benefits against ranged attacks.

You want to keep them close to each other and Ponds, as they will not only be Immune but can also gain Coordinate Fire. Meaning they will be far tougher and can dish out more damage!

Then, they can gain Steadfast quite quickly and also add expertise dice to their save rolls. Of all the Clone Troopers we’ve seen, these may be the strongest yet.

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The distinct role of the ARF Clone Troopers can be better understood by looking at their Recon Force stance. While primarily a ranged unit with particularly high accuracy, ARF Troopers can competently engage in melee when pressed. Their Combat Tree emphasizes tactical options over pure damage output but can still deliver punishing shots, also gaining early access to inflicting the Pin and Shove conditions, and the choice of Exposing or Disarming the target. 

Like Ponds, they are better at range, and their stance reflects that. They have many movement abilities, can expose, disarm opponents, pin, shove, and should be a very flexible addition to your forces! They might be perfect if you need a unit to keep the enemy at bay while you score.

Click Here to Get Your Star Wars: Shatterpoint Sets!

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About the Author: John Von Canon

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John Von Canon

Job Title: Miniatures & Trading Card Games Writer

Socials: @AtogOrTwo 

About John Von Cannon: Tabletop gaming since 2016; John joined the Spikey Bits team in 2023 and covers new miniature products, trading card games, and RPGs.

He spends his evenings working at his local game store for the full hobby experience. So if you’re looking for niche and convoluted ways to sneak out a win in your next Commander game or a cool new hobby product for miniatures, he’s your guy.