New Wave II META? – Top Star Wars Armada Lists

By Barclay Montgomery | January 29th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars, Star Wars Armada, Tactics


Greetings fleet commanders! Checkout some of the top lists in the Star Wars Armada scene with the new Wave II ships! Come see whats HOT right now!

These lists are compiled from the results of the most recent tournament from Gamer’s Armory based in Cary, NC.

1st Place


Imperial II-class Star Destroyer – Admiral Motti + Electronic Countermeasures + Gunnery Team + Intel Officer + Leading Shots + XI7 Turbolasers + Phlyon Q7 Tractor Beams

Imperial II-class Star Destroyer – Electronic Countermeasures + Gunnery Team + Intel Officer + Leading Shots

Bossk, Dengar, IG-88

390 points

This list is top dog. It has two of the most powerful ships currently in Armada and loads them out to the gills for offensive and tanky goodness. Admiral Motti adds 3 hull to each of these bad boys, making them total out to 14 hull each! That’s a chore for any fleet to take out. Just to make sure that no one is safe, a team of the most notorious bounty hunters in the galaxy are present to hunt down enemy squadrons. This list definitely is scary to face against. It would take an expert tactician to trounce this fleet for sure!

2nd Place


Imperial I-class Star Destroyer – Admiral Screed + Gunnery Team

Imperial I-class Star Destroyer – Avenger + Gunnery Team

Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer – Demolisher + Assault Proton Torpedoes

Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer – Assault Proton Torpedoes

397 points

Not the list to mess with! This fleet crams as many ships into it as it can. You sacrifice quality for quantity here, but these ships are nothing to take lightly without fancy upgrades. There are no squadrons in this list, so being fast and aggressive are keys to victory. This could possibly have led to this list receiving 2nd place because it stormed right into the teeth of 2 fully equipped Imperial II-class Star Destroyers.

3rd Place


Assault Frigate Mk. IIB – Admiral Ackbar + Electronic Countermeasures + Gunnery Team + XI7 Turbolasers

Assault Frigate Mk. IIB – Gallant Haven + Electronic Countermeasures + Gunnery Team + XI7 Turbolasers

Assault Frigate Mk. IIB – Electronic Countermeasures + Gunnery Team + XI7 Turbolasers

Dash Rendar, Wedge Antilles, “Dutch” Vander, Tycho Celchu

397 points

Killer whale attack! This list uses the power of Admiral Ackbar to fire 5 red dice broadsides from 3 different ships. You can’t repel firepower of that magnitude! It also uses a hefty squad of aces that can put out some serious hurt, all the while under the protective wing of Gallant Haven, which reduces incoming squadron damage.

4th Place


Assault Frigate Mk. IIB – Admiral Ackbar + Electronic Countermeasures + Gunnery Team

MC30c Torpedo Frigate – Foresight + Turbolaser Reroute Circuits + Ordnace Experts

CR90Corvette A – Advanced Projectors + Turbolaser Reroute Circuits

CR90Corvette A – Advanced Projectors + Turbolaser Reroute Circuits

CR90Corvette A – Jaina’s Light + Turbolaser Reroute Circuits

Han Solo

399 points

The swarm is coming! This list boasts 5 ships, all of which have enough red dice to keep a safe distance. Target saturation is a key component of this list, as even Han can act like a mini ship himself. The MC30 could be used to bum rush the enemy to make use of those black dice, or could add 2 red dice with Admiral Ackbar to fire away at a distance.


Well that’s all folks! The top 4 lists boast 2 Rebel and 2 Imperial fleets right down the middle. The Imperial Class Star Destroyer has been a powerhouse in recent games, and will continue to dominate all in its path. Admiral Ackbar is also very popular with Rebel builds, making small and medium ships more deadly. Tune in next time for more Armada tactics!