Republic Reinforcements Coming for Star Wars: Armada

Republic Reinforcements feature rBuff up your forces with the two new Republic Reinforcements expansions on the way for Star Wars Armada – check it out!

If you’ve been waiting to get into the game, now is the time with all the new starter sets and rules coming! If you’ve already been playing, well, you have been getting tons of options to expand your forces. It’s just a really fun game and now with all the additions, each game will have tons of variety. 

Today, two new Republic ships fly into action, ready to fight for the cause and take the enemy down with them. These ships are the perfect way to add to your forces if you recently grabbed the new starter set. With a little more specialization to keep you in the fight. Let’s take a closer look at the announcement from FFG:

Venator-class Star Destroyer:

Republic ReinforcementsIn the vicious battles of the Clone Wars, Jedi Generals such as the wise Plo Koon command their forces from the bridge of mighty Venator-class Star Destroyers, earning these vessels the moniker of “Jedi Cruisers.” Kuat Drive Yards designed the ship to be flexible; capable of fighting toe-to-toe with other warships, launching wings of starfighters, and breaking blockade sieges with devastating bombardments. As a command craft and warship, the Venator-class Star Destroyer has no equal in the Republic Navy.

If you love Star Wars, check out what else is going on with it!

Republic Reinforcements cardsYou can grab a bunch of different commanders to pilot your ship and give it a very different feel!

Pelta-class Frigate Expansion Pack:

Peltaclass FrigateA flexible vessel capable of serving as a combat transport or a medical evacuation craft. The Pelta-class frigate is a mainstay of the Republic Navy. These ships fulfill vital strategic and logistical roles. Keeping the Grand Army of the Republic in fighting shape and supporting key operations across the galaxy.

PeltaclassIncluding Tarkin, this comes with 7 upgrade cards. Just a really fun way to customize each game!

That does it for this one! If you’ve been needing some new ships, well, here you go!

Get Your Republic Reinforcements Here!

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