The Top 5 Upgrade Cards For Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | February 2nd, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars, Star Wars Armada, Tactics


Hey Armada fans! Weird Guy War Gamer Monty G here to learn ya some knowledge about the top upgrades currently seen in Armada today. Come check it out!

XI7 Turbolasers


You know it. You love it. You hate it. Arguably the most powerful turbolaser upgrade in the game is the reigning champ: XI7 turbolasers. This bad boy puts out the hurt that can’t be avoided. Most ships, especially large ships, have a redirect defense token, but XI7s pretty much negate using it. They only allow 1 damage on hull zones other than the defending hull to zone suffer damage with a redirect token.

This will let you punch through those shields in no time! You can see these everywhere on capital ships, and at 6 points, this upgrade is a bargain for what it does. It also works against the Advanced Projectors upgrade, which allows you to redirect damage to any hull zone.

Electronic Countermeasures


With the Home One title out there, the amount of accuracy results on dice can be staggering. To fix that, along came the rise of Electronic Countermeasures. This upgrade allows you to use one defense token that has been targeted by an enemy’s accuracy result.

Since XI7s can pretty much negate your redirect tokens, Advanced Projectors has become less popular. Electronic Countermeasures gives you more flexibility with your defense tokens.

Intel Officer


Another excellent upgrade for your fleet in the Intel Officer. This is one guy you don’t want to mess with. He can target an enemy defense token, and if that defense token is used it will be discarded. If you pick just the right defense token, you can force your opponent into tough decisions, which is one of the most important strategies of this game.

Forcing your opponent into your hand could pick apart even the most detailed battle strategy. Use him wisely!

Gunnery Team

Gunnery-team (1)

A must take for Star Destroyers, Assault Frigates, and Scout Frigates is the weapons team upgrade Gunnery Team. This upgrade allows you to make the most of the massive front battery of the Star Destroyer or the broadside batteries of the Scout and Assault Frigates respectively. Gunnery Team allows you to fire from the same hull zone more than once per activation. This bends the rules a little as you are normally allowed 2 shots, but from different hull zones only.

The only other way to get this ability is with the Advanced Gunnery mission objective, but most players are reluctant to pick such a mission due to the massive amount of firepower that this will allow.

Enhanced Armament 


Another useful upgrade is Enhanced Armament, which adds 1 red die to your left and right hull zone batteries. This may not seem like much for 10 points, but most Rebel ships already have an impressive broadside. The Assault Frigate could get 4 red dice broadsides with this up grade alone. Coupled with Admiral Ackbar as your Commander, we’re talking 6 dice from one broadside! Most impressive. If you really want to get nuts, slap this upgrade on your MC80 Assault Frigate, and you are throwing 7 red dice downrange! This shear volume of firepower is enough to overwhelm, if not utterly destroy, most ships on the table.


Hope you young fleet admirals learned a thing or two from the tutelage of Monty G. Now go forth and bring down your opponents with massive volleys of turbolaser fire. Until next time!

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.