Marvel: Crisis Protocol Reveals Captain America Rules

MCP FeatureMore Marvel Crisis Protocol rules are here as AMG reveals the new Captain America character rules and abilities!

The pack just hit pre-order (will be shipped on 9/9/2022), so it’s good to know what the models can do before you buy! The cards come from AMG’s latest transmission. First, check out the new pack we saw, then jump into the rules!

Also, if you want to pre-order one for yourself, you can click here or click the headers below.

MCP Captain America & The Original Human Torch: $39.99

Click here to order yours: | Amazon | Asmodee Website |

Human TorchHonestly, it’s just really cool to play with your favorite superheroes, and hey, who doesn’t want to flame up the battlefield? If you love everything about MCP, go check out what else has been happening with it here!

Human Torch 2Now let’s check out the rules!

New Captain America MCP Cards & Rules Just Dropped!

Captain America Rules

Captain America is the total package when it comes to being an American hero. He goes into battle with his vibranium shield, walloping evildoers with a solid Stars and Stripes Strike. This Physical attack is Strength 5 and has a chance to hit a second-time thanks to the Flurry special rule. If Cap feels like making a point, he can remind the bad guys I Don’t Like Bullies, a Strength 7 hit that can send characters of Size 3 or less hurtling backwards a Medium distance. Being unceremoniously tossed like this is sure to elicit some… colorful responses which a guy like Captain America won’t stand for. The Language! special rule imposes the Stun and Slow special conditions on a target who dares to make a remark best written out in random grawlix.

Cap has always been one of the most well-rounded characters; honestly, they are keeping it up! He is strong and has a ton of special rules that is just a great addition to many teams.

Captain America Rules 2

When he isn’t rebuking foes for off-color remarks, Captain America is saving the day in any crisis. On Your Left represents his superhuman speed, a power that lets him advance Medium once a turn for 2 Power when he’s not holding an objective.

 And what does he do with the enhanced speed and strength the super soldier serum has given him? Well, if there’s one hobby Captain America can be proud of it is how often he’s taken down real evildoers. Why, to hear him tell it, I’ve Knocked Out Tyrants Over 200 Times. Putting that experience to good use, this reactive power lets him spend 3 Power to reroll any number of dice in an attack roll once per turn.

Re-rolling any number of dice is awesome and will ensure that you will be getting off those attacks when you need them most!

Click Here To Order Yours Today!

Do you like the new rules for Captain America in Marvel Crisis Protocol? Will you be picking the mini up?

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