New AoS Knight-Arcanum & Swampcalla Shaman Rules!

Age-of-sigmar-3.0-wal-hor-title-rulesThe Knight-Arcanum & Swampcalla Shaman rules give you a taste of what the mages from the Dominion box can do- check it out!

Warhammer Community just unveiled more of what to expect in the new edition, this time with what the new wizards will be capable of.

The other good news is, we already know the release date for the new edition and Dominion Starter box! Meaning these rules will be in your hands in just a few weeks.

Age of Sigmar new rulebookIs this really going to be the best ever? We’ll have to wait and see on that!

Check out the rest of the rule reveals so far below:

Knight-Arcanum Rules

Knight Arcanum rulesA Knight-Arcanum can harness the power of nearby Thunderstrike units to attack enemies both near and far, inflicting mortal wounds with a bolt of holy lightning.

Dealing mortal wounds has become something magic is really good at. This spell could potentially get up to 22″ range without a ton of trouble, meaning you can dish out the mortals from quite far away.

Knight Arcanum rules 2The real kicker, however, is the fact that Knights-Arcanum are anathema to predatory endless spells. They use their arcane knowledge to form a null zone around themselves that’s crucial for protecting their fellow Stormcast Eternals. 

This is pretty nice because you can use them as a bubble to keep the spells at bay. If you put them in a way that makes it hard to get around this mini, it will become a pain for your opponent to get the spells where they want them.

Swampcalla Shaman Rules

Swampcalla Shaman RulesThis spell might not seem all that powerful at first glance. But such a wide-ranging effect can make all the difference in a tight game. You’ll find yourself using it all the time. The gnarly Shaman can also brew up a whole host of poisons and elixirs to help their Kruleboy pals in battle. They’re the ultimate team player.

As they said, it doesn’t seem crazy when you first look at it. But casting an army-wide buff is pretty powerful. If you can get this off every turn, it will just be really annoying for your opponent. While helping you get stuck in that much easier.

Swampcalla Shaman Rules 2Thanks to their little buddy, the Swampcalla Shamans have access to a wide range of deadly Poisons and Elixirs. Anyone who gets hit with those improved Venom-encrusted Weapons will realize, it pays to bring along a sorcerous sidekick.

Both the options are pretty sweet. Dealing mortals on 5+ for a big unit will make them seriously effective. If you know they are going to be targeted by enemy fire, adding one to their save could be the difference!

Are you excited about the new rules? Will you be picking up the Dominion box?

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