NEW NECRONS – Latest Codex & Release Rumors

By Rob Baer | December 15th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Necron_from_Dawn_of_War_Warhammer_40k_Wallpaper_7waj4 - Copy

‘Tis the season for Necron Rumors, and finally something is starting to stick it looks like.

Here’s the latest from the nets!

The latest word on the Necrons:

Short-term Stuff
Necrons – January 2015

-Clampack Necron Lord
-Clampack Cryptek

Codex is described at “thick, almost Space Marine sized”.  Look for it to include lots of fluff, as well as many Lords of War & Formations (possibly some of the Apoc ones.)

We know the Tesseract Vaults, and perhaps the transcendent C’tan will be in there from the Mephrit Dynasty spoiler from over the weekend.

c'tan necron

Medium-term Stuff

Later in 2015, Necrons will star in a Campaign Book, alongside 3 additional kits (both reworks, and new kits)

These Rumors are rated RELIABLE, coming from known good sources.

The most interesting thing of this bunch to me is the word of a Necron Campaign book coming later in 2015 with 3 new kits attached.

It would appear that the success of Stormclaw, Shield of Baal, and the WFB End Times series is moving Games Workshop in a new direction.  

It looks like we can from now on expect to see a “two-track” parallel releases of  the traditional army codices with accompanying supplemental codices (and some minis), with a second track of these “X vs Y” campaigns that include book sets with integrated new rules and minis as well.