Come see the breakdown on how to build a winning team in Blood Bowl, featuring the soon to be released Naggaroth Nightmares.
Read MoreTactics
Today Nick Nanavati is here with 6 charging hacks for dummies that will not only keep your units alive but get them extra movement as well! Don’t miss more 40k tactics!
Read MoreWarhammer Community has given us a plate-full of information this holiday with teasers for Skaven, Flesh-Eater Courts, and new shooting rules. Now can get a better idea of how AoS 2.0 will pan out.
Read MoreDark Eldar are forsaken and corrupt and all that is wanton and cruel about the Eldar. But, that doesn’t mean your competitive 40k list has to suffer. HERO gives us a look at how this army has evolved competitively.
Read MoreToday we will be checking out if and why drop pods are still viable after the FAQ in 8th Edition 40k, and what if anything they are even good for anymore.
Read MoreToday we’re taking a closer look at some characters you may have skipped over in 8th Edition 40k. Join us as we explore the Inquisitors and the reasons how good they are.
Read MoreLast weekend was the London GT, the largest 40k event in all of Europe. Over 450 players from across the world traveled to London to participate. This was set to be one of the of the most premier events in 40k.
Read MoreBlack is the New Black, as today we’ve got a Deathwatch Codex review for you. Let’s take a look at what units stand out, how to use them, and what traps you should keep an eye out for.
Read MoreWhat is this undefeated poverty Tyranid list all about? Jstove here, and today I’m looking at the undefeated army lists from the 40k London GT, and this is sticking out to me.
Read MoreIdoneth Deepkin might be controversial on tabletops everywhere, but there’s something to be said for their ferocity. Come see the best way to make the most out of this army, by taking it to 2000 points.
Read MoreWith the 40k London GT ending over the weekend, we can finally take a look at the best of the top lists out there as some of the players managed to go undefeated.
Read MoreCheck out the latest Dark Eldar survival tips for vehicle-heavy play. To get the most out of Dark Eldar vehicles and the units inside them, you have to be very careful in how you move them.
Read MoreWant to play better? From competitive to casual play, today we’re showcasing two easy ways to play better games of 40k that are as solid as they come.
Read MoreDark Eldar school is in session. Don’s miss these tactical tips about vehicle deployment and how to successfully wrap your powerful attack vehicles around your 6″ Archon bubbles. Let’s begin.
Read MoreToday Nick Nanavati of the Brown Magic takes us on a journey explaining two easy ways to build better tournament armies.
Read MoreDon’t miss the second half of our two-part breakdown on how to make a deck for every warband in Shadespire. Plus, some useful tips for keeping all those cards in order as well.
Read MoreWinning 40k starts before the battle begins. But once you’re in the game, how do you get to a place where you’ll win every turn? Nick Nanavati guides us down the path to excellence once again today.
Read MoreTwin ITC Champions Matt Root & Nick Nanavati have been bringing the heat lately to help you get better at playing 40k. Come see their latest on 2 easy ways you can get better at Tournaments.
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