2018 ITC and LVO Warhammer 40k Champion Nick Nanavati weighs in on the new Tau codex to see how the greater good faired getting the 8th Edition “codex treatment”.
Read MoreTactics
They’re after Ur-Gold! The Chosen Axes are the latest expansion for Shadespire and we’ve got some tips and tactics for you to help your quest for glory!
Read MoreToday, we’re going to be getting another dose of Brown Magic, as we get to learn another great way to break through those pesky screens or bubble wraps in 40k with Cultists.
Read MoreAre you tired of trying to get through your opponent’s screens to no avail? Well today, with the help of a little Brown Magic, we’re going to be learning one way to break those screens.
Read MoreGames Workshop’s Shadespire has released two new expansions and does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon. This week we are going to focus on Spiteclaw’s Swarm, a fast moving bunch of rats that become inspired when you use a ploy on them.
Read MoreIs SPAM really that big of a deal in 8th Edition Warhammer 40k, or should we stop building these hyped up lists and keep the spam in the can? Here are 3 reasons why you should can it.
Read MoreWith the Legions of Nagash book out and a Death vs Everyone campaign with Malign Portents, let’s look at building a 2000-point Legion of Sacrament Army.
Read MoreIt all begins with the Malign Portents Book and the Harbingers (sounds like a rock band). Let’s dive in and see what the book has to offer and look at the stats on the new harbingers.
Read MoreToday we hear from the latest ITC and LVO (not to mention 4-time Adepticon) Champion Nick Nanavati on his past, and how he’s here to help YOU with your now game as well!
Read MoreNurgle came in like a rusted diseased-ridden wrecking ball with the new Maggotkin battletome and really shook up what their traditional 2000 point force looked like.
Read MoreCome see one hobby noob’s modular adventures as he (hopefully) learns how to magnetize his model’s weapons to have all the options!
Read MoreCome see three ways to play with arguably one of the coolest models in Age of Sigmar that you never seem to see in Matched Play at 2000 points, Archaon himself.
Read MoreWith the Realm of Death (A.K.A. Shyish or Amethyst Realm) starting to get in a tizzy, let’s cover the Sepulchral Guard from everyone’s favorite ghost town Shadespire!
Read MoreDeath is coming, so if you looking for a smaller army with very interesting abilities, take a look at this first 1000 point option of the Soulblight Allegiance.
Read MoreShadespire is continuing to have a strong (as in number of muscles) showing. So, this week lets focus on the strongest warband in Shadespire, Ironskull’s Boyz.
Read MoreLadies and gentlemen, it is that time of year once again. That time where we look back on the year and see what we accomplished.
Read MoreLet’s take a look at the cards for Steelheart’s Champions from the Shadespire core set and what tactics to use for this warband.
Read MoreLet’s take a look at the cards for Garrek’s Reavers from the Shadespire core set and what tactics to use for this warband.
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