Top 40k Blood Angels Combos To Watch Out For Now!

smash captain blood angels space marinesDon’t miss these top new 40k Blood Angels synergies and rules combos from the new Psychic Awakening Blood of Baal supplement! They’re combo-tastic!

Blood of Baal is bringing a new wave of rules to the Blood Angels and Tyranids. Looking more in the realm of Blood Angels tactics, here are some powerhouse combos you may have to try in your games!

Things to Remember:

blood angels wal hor

  • Blood Angel’s Red Thirst Chapter Tactic gives them +1 to wound AND +1 to Advance and Charge rolls.
  • Savage Echoes, their bonus rule for being in the assault doctrine, gives them an additional +1 attack on the charge.

Using details spotted from the book on Dark Artisan’s YouTube channel:

Sanguinary Smackdown

sanguinary guard

Sanguinary Guard are going to be a star unit for Blood Angels in Blood of Baal. Coming with two new Stratagems that capitalize solely on this unit, they’ll be CP hungry, but a fat squad of these can do work in-game.

explosive judgement


death on the wind

The images are really blurry but they say:

  • 1CP Explosive Judgement:  Pick a Sanguinary Guard unit to shoot with. They can re-roll all wound rolls with their Angelus Bolt Guns. In addition, the enemy doesn’t get a cover bonus to saving throws.
  • 1CP Death on the Wind: When Sanguinary Guard are chosen to fight, their single-damage weapons have a damage characteristic of 2 instead.

For 2CP, you can turn a chunky squad of Sanguinary Guard into the disruption of a lifetime. Drop down and fire already-beefed up Bolt Guns at one unit and reroll all your failed wounds. (this is the kind of power than got Guilliman nerfed). Then, after one unit is peppered, charge into another squad (only needing an 8″ charge now) and pop a CP to have them do 2-damage a swing. It may be more beneficial to just keep them cheap and load everyone down with swords. For 1Cp, you can double the damage and make these guys effectively light tank/elite hunters if needed.

Gabriel Seth is Two Smash Captains Combined (but on-Foot)

seth cover flesh tearers

This isn’t really a wombo combo. But there’s so much potential value that we can’t leave it out. Seth got a new Warlord Trait from the old Selfless Valour. 

blood angels blood of baal rules 8

In terms of Warlord Traits, Merciless Butcher is good, but it’s really only worth taking for Gabriel Seth. And it just so happens that it’s his base Warlord Trait. With Gabe, you’ll get 4 attacks base. +2 on the charge. send him into a crowd of dudes and you can get up to 3 more attacks with the Warlord Trait. He’s now up to potentially 9 attacks (+D3 more for 1CP Red Rampage).

That’s a potential of 12 attacks getting exploding 6’s to hit (which is an ability on his rules sheet). You can also reroll all your rolls because you’re a Chapter Master to help you proc more 6’s. He hits on a 2+ with a S x2 -2AP 3-flat damage sword with no negative to hit so you can see where the potential damage lies in this just over 100-pt model. Don’t forget that you can also fight twice with him if you roll a 6 at the end of combat. However, the fight-twice on a 6 is so unreliable we won’t even factor that into the equation.

Chapter Master Seth

Getting somewhere in the averages of 9-10 attacks with the help of Red Rampage, you’ve got a potential of doing roughly 18-30 damage in one round of combat. But if he dies, you can always spend 2CP and have him fight again. which, in that case, you’ll get two chances at that point of rolling a 6 to fight again for free.

While he’s slow, he’s definitely a firecracker you don’t want to run into on the table. He does lack that bonus -1 AP that a Thunder Hammer gets, but combined with his exploding hits, no negative to hit, and rerolls, he’s an absolute UNIT.

The Flesh Tearer’s Red Wake Special

flesh tearer The Non-Targetable Character: 40k Rules To Change


blood angels blood of baal rules 9Staying in the realm of Flesh Tearers, they’ve got a brutal Stratagem that is unique to themselves as well called Aggressive Onslaught. For 1 CP, you can have a unit pile in for 6″ when they are selected to fight. Combined with the 3CP Honor the Chapter, you’ll be getting a free 12″ move up the board while potentially engulfing an enemy unit. If you don’t kill them outright, you’ll probably be able to tie them up so they can’t fall back. This will just help you keep your guys alive a lot longer.

refusal to die

If you pull this off with a fat ten-man squad of Death Company Intercessors, they’re bound to attract a lot of hate. So to help with softening the blow, you can also always pop Refusal to Die and give them a 5+++ FNP.

Will Blood Angels reshape the meta next? What’s the best Blood Angels combo out there now?

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