Can the Stormcast Overcome the Vermintide?

By Felix Fimbres | October 5th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Battle Reports, Long War TV, Skaven, Videos

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Two reports in one click! A written narrative report and of course an amazing Long War Video Age of Sigmar battle. Let’s roll some dice!

The Lay of the land

Night falls as the Stormcast Eternals march into the Skaven held ruins of Catarious. Their presence has not gone unnoticed by the Skaven forces and the Screaming bell slowly tolls, summoning the rats from their boroughs underneath the ruins. The ground rumbles as the vermin tide surges forward.

Bat Rep Vermintide Stormcast

The Archers knock their bows and the Lord-Celestant Pretarious surveys the field as the last bit of light disappears into the night. “Hold!”

Bat Rep Vermintide Stormcast

The surge of Vermin

The ground trembles as a hell pit abomination surges out of the darkness and into the Retributors. The abomination is so ferocious and the attack so sudden that the Retributors find themselves in the realm of death before they realize what has happened.

Bat Rep Vermintide Stormcast

Meanwhile, the Storm Vermin, invigorated by the ominous sound of the bell crash into the liberators who find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer mass of the onslaught.

Bat Rep Vermintide Stormcast

The Prosecutors, seeing the lines broken, fly towards the Judicators in an effort to stem the tide. Lord-Celestant Animus atop his Dracoth rushes towards the Hell Pit Abomination.

Bat Rep Vermintide Stormcast

“Bring the abomination down!” Animus yells as he charges towards the beats. The Judicators fire a volley into the beast, slowing it down. Animus then swings is mighty war hammer and lays the beast low.

Bat Rep Vermintide Stormcast

Pretarious joins the fray in an effort to hold the center.

“Hold the line!” he shouts.

Inspired by their Lord, the Stormcasts feel a rush of energy and arrest the onslaught. The Judicators fire another volley into the vermin and whittle away at the seemingly endless waves.

Seeing the rats tire under the weight of hammers and arrows, the lord commands his remaining Liberators into the tide of Skaven.


Animus, fueled by victory against the Abomination, commands his Dracoth around the melee and towards the Screaming Bell.

“Fight or I will feast on your bones!” a lead Storm Vermin snarls as he senses the tide turning against them. He climbs atop another rat and leaps onto a Prosecutor and stabs his rusty blade in between the Eternal’s armor.

Bat Rep Vermintide Stormcast

The remaining prosecutors slam their hammers into the storm vermin and the stench of death begins to fill the air.

The Bell takes its  toll

Animus slams his war hammer into the screaming bell but to no avail. The contraption refuses to break thanks to the will of the Grey Seer.

Crumbling but undaunted, the Grey Seer unleashes energy from the screaming bell upon Pretorious; The realm beneath his feet opens up and casts him into the depths.

The Storm Vermin, spurred on by the death of the enemy warlord trample over the outnumbered prosecutors.

Animus eyes widen and fear grips his heart,

“We will not be undone!” He shouts as he swings with wild abandon but he the screaming bell remains standing.

The Lord-Relictor, seeing the desperate situation, unleashes a storm upon the screaming bell.

Bat Rep Vermintide Stormcast

The lines have broken and nothing stands between the Storm Vermin and the Judicators. They fire a volley of arrows into the still frothing storm vermin, their aim is true and the storm vermin break in fear.

Animus’ Dracoth claws the screaming bell. The Grey Seer commands the remaining clan rats to attack the Lord-Celestant. They wound the beast but are unable to bring it down. Some of the rats flee, the rest remain; more afraid of their King than the Stormcast.

The Grey Seer unleashes another crack call, in an effort to consume Animus but the bell is too battered and it’s energies too weak.


The Grey Seer summons his remaining Storm Vermin who wound the Dracoth. Animus, on the brink of death, swings his hammer once more; this time he shatters the bell.

The Lord-Relictor unleashes another storm into the rats surrounding Animus. The lightning cooks the rats to a crisp.


Animus chases down the last of the rats and the night is finally won.

“His vengeance made manifest…”