Top 5 Teams: SoCal’s Long War Doubles 40k Tournament

By Drago | January 25th, 2018 | Categories: Long War TV, Team Tournament, Warhammer 40k News

longwar doubles kastelan robots winnerWhat team took home the gold at the first ever Southern California Long War Doubles tournament? Here’s the summary from two days, and five rounds of Warhammer 40k!

This Long War Doubles 40k tournament was sponsored by SoCal Games and Comics in Temecula, CA and had people joining the fun from all over the United States. You can see the points results for all the teams here.

Big congratulations to Ian Anguiano and Rick Ghan of Loose Cannons for winning the tournament!

long war doubles winner

The winning lists consisted of an Adeptus Mechanicus Mars list combined with the Black Legion and Thousand Sons.

long war doubles winner boardIan’s Adeptus Mechanicus Mars Patrol Detachment (997 points)

  • HQ: Bellasarius Cawl (240 points)
  • Troops: 5 Vanguard (40 points), 5 Rangers (40 points)
  • Elite: 6 Infiltrators: 6 Flechette Blasters and Taser Goads (132 points)
  • Heavy: 5 Kastelan Robots, all with heavy Phosphor Blaster (550 points)

Rick’s Black Legion Vanguard Detachment (573 points) and Thousand Sons Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (415 points)

  • HQ: Abaddon the Despoiler (240 points)
  • Elite: Three units of 5 Noise Marines: 3 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blastmaster, Champion w/ Sonic Blaster (111 points each unit)
  • Thousand Sons LoW: Magnus the Red: Death Hex, Warptime, Weaver of Fates (415 points)

long war doubles terrain

Overall, the tournament was absolutely fantastic with many players all having fun over two long days. Everyone was great, with friendly personalities and very willing to chat with members of the community walking around to see what was happening. There were some epic battles that occurred as well, with several gamers having fun with the terrain and immersing themselves into the world of that terrain…including protecting puppies that were near an objective marker and having an epic tavern brawl between two strong HQ members…after having a drink in said tavern, of course (yay Medieval table theme)! There were some brand new members of the community playing as well, the tournament giving them their first ever 40k games, as well as first games of 8th edition completely.

Along with the overall champion team Loose Cannons, several other awards were passed out. Allen Marshall and Joseph Riego from the team Smurf Attack won the award for Best Painted. Sushi and Puppies, with Caleb Huha and Bosh Jarille, won the award for Proffered Opponent (best sportsmanship). Third place went to team Maui Boys, starring Chris Simon and Hapa Simon.  Second place went to the team SoCal Elite, with Toby Walker and Jason Witt. Finally, the Never Give Up, Never Surrender Award (formerly the Michael Haspil Award for Excellence) was awarded to the team Fish and Champions, with Brennan Duck and Robert Kimbrough. Congratulations to all the winners, and everyone who participated in the tournament. Prize support for these awards was contributed by SoCal Games and Comics,,, and Chad Taylor, who made the trophy for the tournament winner.

Jason Craze from SlowFuseGaming was live-streaming the entire tournament, working on Mortarion. You can check out the VOD on Twitch. There were some fun moments on his stream, including showing off the tournament itself, invasion of the children, and some live WIP events from members of the community.

long war doubles terrainAn NPC observes the destructive battle from atop his prized town square sculpture.

Special thanks to SoCal Games and Comics for hosting this event. They worked incredibly hard to set up all the tables and have unique themes for each table, each day. Also, a shoutout to Paul at TableTopGamer for donating SoCal Games and Comics some of the unique terrain pieces for the tables and as prize support. Thanks to for their prize support as well!

For more information on upcoming Long War Doubles events, or to join conversations with passionate hobby enthusiasts, be sure to check out the Facebook page!