40K TACTICS: Re-Evaluating Tyranid Units

By Evan Slagle | December 2nd, 2014 | Categories: Tactics, Tyranids

tyrnaids walpaper

With all of the changes the Tyranids have been seeing, particularly the addition of the Tyrannocyte, just about every unit in the Codex can be reevaluated as to whether it became more useful.

The most common limitation that keeps units off the board is a combination of short range, slow movement, and low durability which prevents units from fulfilling their roles.



The Tyrannocyte counteracts all of these, getting units in the enemy’s face and in a position to do what they do.

So let’s take a look at some of the least used units in the Tyranid Codex and see if now they might make the table.

1. Pyrovore: A laughably bad unit, the ability to deep strike actually makes the Pyrovore usable. Previously, a Template weapon on a slow platform that could explode in your own lines pretty much made this guy a laughingstock.

Now, 3 Heavy Flamers dropping out of a pod close in could be useful. They’re also not a threat to your backfield if targeted by S8 weaponry. Is it going to make competitive lists? No, but it has its uses and players won’t get laughed off the table for taking them either.

2. Swarmlord: This guy fell out of favor in large part because of his price tag, particularly when compared to a Flyrant. That’s still an issue, but with the aid of a Tyrannocyte he becomes harder to keep away from and actually stands a chance of making it to combat. That said, he has to drop solo and will definitely be a big target. There is the possibility of a second Tyrannocyte dropping with his Tyrant Guard, but the investment to pull it off starts becoming prohibitive in all but the largest of games.



3. Haruspex:  The Haruspex’s problems aren’t limited to its slow speed and inability to get to combat, but it’s certainly a factor. Again, like Swarmlord, a Tyrannocyte circumvents some of that and allows this tarpit of an MC to get close enough to cause problems.

4. Hormagaunts:  Hormagaunts are largely left on the shelf because they lack punch and have a high probability of eating half their unit if left out of Synapse. What they don’t lack, however, is speed, particularly in the shooting phase. Something the Tyrannocyte unlocks for the hormagaunts is the ability to drop in and cordon off units or provide large screens in the midfield. Not counting the base of the Tyrannocyte itself, a decent run will allow these little guys to spread out over 27″ (6″ disembark + 7-8″ run move in either direction). Some uses for this would be to surround transports or beatstick combat units that are walking and keep them in place.

5. Hive Guard:  These guys stuck around for a while after the 6th Edition Codex dropped, in part because people didn’t want to give up the old staple completely. The nerf to BS3 and bump in points, combined with strong value of Venomthropes, Zoanthropes, and Malanthropes put these guys on the shelf for many nid players, myself definitely included. The Tyrannocyte helps Hive Guard overcome their short range and also allows them to be a major thorn in an enemy backfield, particularly since they don’t require Line of Sight.

These are just some of the “bad” units that got a boost from the Tyrannocyte. Units that people were getting to work before, like Exocrines, Dakkafexes, and Tyrannofexes all got a nice jump as well.

Even the boring termagant becomes exciting with the reintroduction of podding devilgants – 60 S4 shots will get an opponent’s attention for sure.

So whats going to be in YOUR Tyranid army list?