
Welcome another Unboxing Forge World article. Our first few articles, went over pretty well, so we’re pushing ahead with more!This time we have, form the New Warhammer Forge, the Chaos TAMURKHAN ON TOAD DRAGON! This thing is pretty fricking huge, and the detail on it is insane. The Kit Chaos Tamurkhan on Toad Dragon  available for 55 […]

Read More | February 17th, 2012

Welcome another Unboxing Forge World article. Our first few articles, went over pretty well, so we’re pushing ahead with more!This time we have, form the New Warhammer Forge, the Chaos Dwarf BALE TAURUS! This thing is pretty fricking huge, and the detail on it is insane. The Kit Chaos Dwarf Bale Taurus  available for 55 pounds from Forge […]

Read More | February 5th, 2012

Welcome to our third Forge World un-boxing article. Our first few articles, went over pretty well, so we’re pushing ahead with more!This time we have, form the New Warhammer Forge, the Chaos Dwarf Death Shrieker Rocket Launcher! It features lots of little dudes, and very pointy parts- perfect for all flavors of Chaos. The Kit Death Shrieker Rocket Launcher available for […]

Read More | January 31st, 2012

Welcome to our second Forge World un-boxing article. Our first one, the Tau Manta, went over pretty well, so we’re going to do a few more and see how you all like them.This time we have the Necron Tomb Stalker, featuring many, many of the same part. It would definitely be nice to have a bunch […]

Read More | January 22nd, 2012

Every wonder what one of the most expensive kits Forge World makes looks like in real life?Me and Jkin were taking the other day about how cool it would be to have a Tau Manta, and then we wonder just how much work it would actually be to assemble, lol. So to the internet we went. […]

Read More | December 26th, 2011