Creature Caster Reveals New Lord of Sacrifice Model

creature caster rumorsCreature Caster is coming in strong with an early look at their newest model. Check out the details on the Lord of Sacrifice! It’s a real centerpiece to behold.

Creature Caster is responsible for bringing a whole host of twisted miniatures to the table that makes your spine tingle. And this time, they’re doing it again with a new model.

Creature Caster Reveals New Lord of Sacrifice Model

creature caster lord of sacrifice

Taking on the classic big Demon-style that is Creature Caster’s bread and butter, he’s a bit more armored up and not as savage-looking as some of the previous models. Of course, his sword is also weighted, long and sharp- perfect for lopping heads off of the condemned. (He is the Lord of Sacrifice after all).

According to their Instagram, they’ll be showing it off this weekend at LVO as well.

creature caster lord of sacrifice (1)Creature Caster Lord of Sacrifice (center)

Note the alternate flaming head and right hand on their IG post above. Very cool!

All in all, this dude is definitely going to be another dope addition to the Creature Caster selection. Just remember to keep your eyes peeled for when he’s fully available online!

What will you be using the Lord of Sacrifice for? Would you like to see Creature Caster expand on a “Sacrifice” model line? 

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