GMM Studios Elysian Air-Regiment Army Showcase

GMM studios is back again with another finished project showcase. Let’s take a look at what he’s been working his hobby muscles on since last time.

GMM studios is responsible for making jaw-dropping works of art that are totally playable on the tabletop. From themed Dark Eldar armies to Ghost Buster Nurgle display boards, there’s nothing that GMM can’t turn into a masterpiece

GMM Studios Elysian Air-Regiment Army Showcase

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Hello out there! The Elysian airplane batch is all done. And for you today I’ve got a gallery full of airframes to make a Mechanicum priest blush.
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This project was pretty special to me because the scheme is similar to a Krieg army I did many, many years ago. And being able to revisit that in my modern style and quality was a real treat. A little extra rewarding in that regard. The client had the basic request of tan and run through heck and back.
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So together we came up with a color palette that is analogous but striking and an instant classic in its simplicity.
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The weathering is all done by hand and is a lot of fun.  I really enjoy sitting and freehanding it all. On these large panel-vehicles, there is quite a large canvas to paint on openly and give character. It’s actually very relaxing and a different challenge when compared to the other side of the spectrum, infantry.
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Bases and flight stands, credit goes to Dragon Forge Design. I’ve used them for years and every time I get a big batch of these flight stands I really appreciate them all over again. Being able to vary the heights makes photography fun and are much more solid than the basic stand the kits come with. That’s it for this round.  Hope you enjoyed and thanks for looking.  See you in the next one!
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Be sure to check out GMM’s blog to see even more finished projects and pictures. Have you always wanted to make an Air-regiment of Guard? What are your favorite plane models in 40k? Let us know what you think about this army in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.