GW Previews: More Adeptus Titanicus Spoiled For AUG

Adeptus Titanicus warlord painted

Between Forge World Open and Warhammer TV, Adeptus Titanicus hype revving up and looks to be highly anticipated. Check out the latest previews.

Forge World Open wasted no time showcasing more on the Titanicus models everyone has been waiting for.  Take a look at everything that was spotted from the event a few weeks back with exclusive photos from James Martin who was at the event itself, and Warhammer Community’s official product shots.

WarhammerTV also previewed some of the new updates coming to the game yesterday August 2nd, that we cataloged below as well.

GW Previews: More Adeptus Titanicus Spoiled For AUG

Civitas Imperialis Sector terrain looks to be a civilian landscape with alleys and tight roadways.

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Looks like you can set up city blocks and tight alleys for Titans to navigate in the heat of battle.

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We’ve got an early look at the Titans on sprue in the display cases as well. It looks like there will be at least three Questor-class Knights on the sprue to the left.

On the right, we can see the Warlord upper body plates and a Reaver Titan in the back two sprues at the rear.

Titanicus Box Sets

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Another look at the front of the rules set for the Titanicus game; the box is going to include all of the rules you’ll need to play the game. You’ll need to buy the box with all of the models separately.

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On the other hand, it looks like a bundle box is also going to hit the shelves. It’ll have a handful of Titans to serve as a good building block as well as the rules set and even terrain. This would be the perfect box to split with your friend, and they can get the rules box above as well to make two sets. Conversely, now that it is confirmed the rules come in the starter box, why not just buy two instead?

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Some Reaver and Warlord Titans were spotted in the display cases this morning to give you a better idea of the scaling between these minis.

A world of Ruin

When you have Titans marching through streets blasting heavy weaponry at each other, things are bound to break. Prepare to see blasted buildings and craters in the pavement.

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Here’s an idea of how the Titanicus terrain will look. Go ahead and make some yourself so you’ll have it ready when the game drops.

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Thomasius Dominus the Train Engine will be making a debut in the Titanicus game. Could this be a terrain piece or will this have rules as well? It looks like we can see turrets on one of the train cars. Maybe the players will have to escort/intercept it on the tabletop.

Titanicus Latest Updates

Here’s the latest straight from the source on WarhammerTV’s Twitch stream.

titanicus knights

Each Knight kit will come with three Knights and will have all kinds of wargear options.

  • 1x Thermal Cannon
  • 1X Rapid Fire Battle Cannon
  • 3X Reaper Chainswords
  • 1x Gatling Cannon

There aren’t any gauntlet bits in the game just yet but they said it’ll have the same stats as the Reaper Chainsword. It may be coming to the game later on for cosmetics.

Stormspear rocket pods aren’t available yet either. However, be on the lookout for them because they may be part of a future add-on.

The game is going to be coming with a deck of different weapon options that aren’t actually in the game yet. They want to leave it open-ended for future add-ons into the game.

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Here’s a snippet from the main book. The game is going to be played on a 4X4 table. If you play on a 4X6, you’ll have the perfect amount of room to place all of your Titan Terminal cards.

Speaking of Terminal cards…

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Players will need to place plastic dials into the cards to keep track of things like their shields and plasma reactors.

Titans run on plasma reactors to keep them going. As you could imagine plasma is volatile and gets hot. Special dice will be rolled whenever your plasma reactor suffers damage.

To keep the atmosphere of the game true to scale, each Titan has a scale number that is used as a modifier for different things like explosions.

Titan Movement & Bunkers

titan movement

Titans are slow-moving behemoths that have to walk everywhere they want to go. Because of their size, they can’t just turn on a dime. Careful planning for the turn ahead will be a necessity to be victorious.

titanicus moving template

You’ll need to use the templates for the Titan and see where it’s allowed to move. Don’t get caught out of position and everything will be fine. It’s tough being a giant walker!

As it turns out, the bunkers that we saw previewed from Forge World Open actually had an in-game effect after all.

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Bunker Benefits:

  • Plasma Reactor- helps with those gut-wrenching plasma rolls.
  • Void Shield Generator- added defense bonuses.
  • Macro Cannon Battery- More dakka for the Titan.
  • Apocalypse Missile Silo- Gives the player access to Missile volleys.
  • Command Bastion- Helps the player with command rolls.
  • Comms Array- (unanswered)


Sadly, the Warhound Titan is going to be hitting the table behind the Reaver making it the last of the core Titans.

The Not so Small Minigame

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Even though this is technically a minigame, there was a chart that showed the expected hours of playtime. Going by the pic, it looks like it’ll take about the same amount of time (if not longer) as a full-sized game of 30k or 40k. The chart also shows us what the point scaling will look like as well as how many Stratagem points players get in each game size.

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What are your thoughts on the Titanicus game? Will you be splitting the big box with a friend? How will you be painting your Titans? What do you think of the latest previews from WarhammerTV?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Horror Group.

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