Mixed Feelings About New 40k Terrain Rules

new-rules-space-marines-40k-9th-editionGW announced that new terrain rules are coming to 9th Edition 40k and the overall hobby census is “mixed”. Let’s talk through it all.

9th Edition 40k is more or less a streamlined version of 8th Edition. Improvements have been made to the game like scoring, dice modifiers, etc. However, it looks like GW is beginning to add another layer to the game that some people would call “unnecessary”.

Mixed Feelings About New 40k Terrain Rules

GW tactical deployment

To give you the hard and fast details about these new terrain rules, essentially, GW is adding another layer to the game. GW is coming out with new terrain kits and adding a “Terrain point” mechanic to the game.

gw tactical deployment terrain


gw tactical deployment terrain 2 In the same way as how many CP you get is dependant on the size of game you’re playing, it’ll also be dependent upon how many terrain points you get.

From Warhammer Community:

Each piece of terrain has a cost in terrain points. For a Combat Patrol-sized game, each player brings between 50-100 points of terrain, while at the other end of the spectrum, you’ll want 300-400 points each for an Onslaught battle. This means that you’ll always have the right amount of terrain for the board size you’re playing on – for example, the Storage Fane is 40 terrain points.

If you pay the points and bring your own terrain, you’ll get added benefits of having units bunkered inside of them. For example, the Storage Fane is Breachable, Defensible, Light Cover, Scalable, and lets you reroll 1’s to hit. 

Let’s step back and talk about what this really is for a minute.

You could say that this seems to be a blatant cash grab from GW, but the silver lining is that you don’t have to play with the rules if you don’t want to.

Tabletop Gaming Stock ImageWith some factions having way more incentive to taking their own terrain (like Tau for example), it’s unlikely that we will see tournaments adopt this. Tournaments haven’t had much of an issue providing some excellent terrain in the past and adding a layer of extra rules/terrain placement before players even roll dice just sounds like a headache waiting to happen for table judges at these events.

Optimal 40k Board Terrain?

9th edition ideal terrain setupFrontline Gaming has also been putting in work for an ideal terrain setup for standardized tournament play. This picture comes from a tabletop setup recommended by playtesters that were instrumental in developing the 2020 mission pack for 9th Edition. You can see that there are four main buildings (one in each quadrant of the map) with some small backfield coverage. Lastly, one of the biggest changes made, is that the center of the table is much more open.

With players having the option of paying points and bringing their own terrain, we imagine there will be some sort of statement made about standardized tournament play soon concerning this new supplement…

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What do you think about this added layer of terrain in 40k? Will you be paying points for terrain benefits? Do you think it will be adopted as part of the new tournament standard for players to bring their own terrain?

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