New Pics of Chaos Marines & Obliterators Spotted!

new chaos wal hor marines obilterators abaddon

Don’t miss these new Chaos Marine and Obliterator pics that were spotted from the upcoming wave of Shadowspear releases for Warhammer 40k!

Buckle up buttercup, New images from a video presentation at the LVO 2019 have appeared. We can confirm the images are legitimate as we had multiple sources ourselves at the event that saw them as well.

warhammer preview

Warhammer Community at LVO 2019

Chaos Marine Sculpts

chaos marine sculpt

Image from descansodelescriba

Notice how the Chaos Marine doesn’t have that ratty belt of ammunition dangling from the bottom of his gun? It looks like they came across enough ammunition to actually carry magazines now! The trim on their armor is magnificent with the biggest sculpt changes spotted on the backpack, helmet, pauldrons, and bolter.

If you look closely at the blurred-out model in the back right, it looks like he might be carrying something other than a bolter. he also appears to have a skull or two stuck onto some spikes from his backpack.


They’re moving a step up from the models they have currently. That’s for sure. Ultimately, we’re still at the point where we know Chaos is going to be getting a ton of support. We just haven’t tracked down all of the confirmed units yet.

New Obliterator Pose

obliterator new 2

Image from descansodelescriba

Quoted from our source at the LVO:

New Obliterators coming, assault cannon on top, shoulder slung heavy flamer…

Taking a look at the first pic, it looks to be a different sculpt of the Obliterator model we saw from the first set of previews during the LVO. This model is kitted out with a heavy flamer and some kind of tricked-out assault cannon.

obliterator new 1

Comparing the model to the one Warhammer Community previewed on their website just after the LVO seminars, this Obliterator is loaded with what looks to be a plasma cannon, a heavy bolter, a storm bolter, and maybe two meltas? Of course, if these follow the Obliterator rules, we will have to roll for the Strength, damage, AP, etc. The models just look sick with different guns poking out everywhere! One thing is for certain between these two: they are going to be in the same unit, and quite possibly multi-part kits!

UPDATE: Shadowspear Contents Revealed?

Warhammer Community  released a video of Hyasphus Kul speaking about his creations on Nemendghast.

Kyasphus Kul is a model that we saw previewed a while back in the latter portion of 2018. We first thought he was just a new Sorcerer but it’s looking like he’ll be the leader of a handful of new Daemonkin models coming inside Shadowspear. Let’s break down the art of the video frame-by-frame.

kul 1

Hysapshus is seen standing in the center of the camera with the new obliterator sculpt to the left and what we can only guess is a new Chaos Possessed model.

kul 2

Moving onto the next frame, you can see Hyasphus standing in front of the newly previewed Venomcrawler. Believe it or not, we can use the art of the Venomcrawler to get a rough idea of how it will scale next to other models. It looks to be fairly tall…maybe about the size of a Redemptor Dreadnought.

Now, look at the bottom of the frame! It looks like another Possessed is standing behind Hyasphus with his claw arm.

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while it’s not an exact match, the design of this rumor Daemon engine looks to be extremely close to the arms of the Possessed in the video.


While these models could use an update, we are hoping that some new rules for them drop as well. Maybe Hyasphus will be some kind of Lynchpin character that beefs them up to be worth their points!

How do you like the new sculpts? Do you think the Obliterators will be keeping their same stats on the tabletop? What battlefield role do you think the Venomcrawler will be? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.