Turn your Impulsor tank into a Gladiator, with the Murmillo tank upgrade kit that has all the conversion bits you need- for less!
Instead of buying a whole new kit, why not just turn your Impulsor tanks into Gladiator tanks? This new kit will allow you to do just that.
These kits come with all the weapon options and have room for magnetization, which means one kit gives you three variants. It also comes with both sponson options, so you can either go more anti-tank or anti-infantry.
It is made to fit perfectly on the current Impulsor kit, so no need for crazy conversions either!
Murmillo Tank Upgrade Conversion Bits Kit: $34.99
The multipart kit of the Murmillo Tank Upgrade For Hover Tank is made on a high-quality resin printer. It fits perfectly with the original Impulsor Tank by Games Workshop. Just an easy and fast way to get access to the new tank!
Here’s everything that the kit comes with:
- back part (back, door, back vents)
- top part
- turret (bottom, top, back, two antennas, antenna holder)
- all three turret weapon variants (Valiant, Lancer, Reaper)
- 2 side weapon variants (quad bolter and melta)
- hatch and hatch door (the hatch is possible to break into two parts for an open-top.)
- turret grenade launchers
- turret Weapons come pre-drilled for magnets so you can swap them out!
This product is officially licensed by Bitshapers. If you are after just the .STL files, they are available on Bitshapers Page Here
All the Variants:
The kit comes with all the parts you need to make any of the variants. We would recommend magnetizing them (with the holes pre-drilled) so you can take advantage of whatever you need for a game.
Whether you want more bolter fire or the heavier melta option, you can with this kit! They fit into the existing sponsors for the Impulsor tank.
That does it for this one! Just a super fast and easy way to upgrade your Impulsor tank in a Gladiator with these conversion bits. No need to buy everything again.
Grab Your Tank Upgrade Kit Here!
Which version of the Gladiator will you build first?
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