3 Easy Steps For Painting Eerie Chaos Bases

teal chaos bases

Tired of some of the same old color schemes for basing Chaos miniatures? Take a look at three easy steps for painting up Chaos bases in a striking teal theme!

Micro Art Studios make some fantastic resin bases, including these Chaos bases. They look amazing and have a lot of great potential with colors, but why take it to the dirt and brown? Take a look at this tutorial for painting up their Chaos bases in a unique way!

chaos bases preshade

Starting with a base primed with black, in order to build darks to lights and maintain good contrast, apply a pre-shade over the base by using a white paint via airbrush. Starting with the pre-shade helps build up color faster on the base, preventing the lighter blues from getting lost in all the blacks.

teal chaos fades

Nautilus Blue from Minitaire paint is up next, or any other dark blue can be substituted and sprayed over the entire base including the blacks. This builds up the true base color of blues. The pre-highlight should still show through this layer of paint. Minitaire Troll Hide is up next, or a lighter blue, and sprayed onto the tips of each peak to build up fades and get the highlights up. This step is applied with more precision to bring down the fades and get every angle properly.

When the fades are finished being built, a light drybrush is applied to build up highlights on the edges and other raised areas. Using white paint will bring out these edges and raised areas that need highlights. Let the dry-brushed paint dry before continuing on with painting the metal bits.

teal chaos bases golds

Army Painter Plate Mail Metal is used to go over all the chains. True Copper from the Army Painter is used to start all the other metals. This will be highlighted with Greedy Gold. One way to ensure all the paint sticks is to mix the two together and apply over all the gold metal plates. After the golds are coated, Army Painter Dark Tone is used to wash the metals, giving it a tarnished and aged appearance. Be sure to dab away the large puddles or the wash will stain and get messy.

Finally, Vallejo Black Surface Primer is used to paint the lip of the base black. This final touch pops out the contrast and completes the base!

tallyman on chaos teal base

There you have it, an easy way of painting unique Chaos bases using basic airbrush techniques, washes, and highlights. Using one-coat paints helps expedite the process. As well, applying a pre-highlight helps to save time in blending up colors and fades. Painting these bases using teals, models in a variety of different paint schemes will stand out and look even more vibrant.

There are many variations you can use, and these bases will look fantastic no matter what color scheme you choose. Be sure to press play on the video below to see the entire process of painting these fun bases!