40k eBay Rescue: Save Money By Hobbying Less

By Drago | February 28th, 2018 | Categories: Chaos Space Marines, How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Videos


Buying models cheap from eBay can be great, but sometimes the paint job isn’t quite up to snuff. Take a look at this way of revitalizing eBay models by hobbying.

This Slaanesh Feind is out of print and purchased from eBay. Sure at first look this model could be stripped and repainted, but sometimes the paint jobs just need a little TLC. Using a variety of techniques, an airbrush, paintbrush, and various paints from different companies, this model can be revitalized to look amazing.

Be sure to check out the entire process by scrolling down and pressing play on the video below!

ebay hacks start

To start, mix together Army Painter’s Dark Tone and Red Tone washes along with some Quickshade Mixing Medium. Brush this over the entire model, treating the current paint job as if it were a three color minimum base coated paint job. Push the wash everywhere and cover it entirely.

ebay hacks highlight

Once the wash is dried, Weathered Wood is glazed onto the fleshy areas as highlights. This glaze is thinned down to bring out a subtle highlight. Evil Sunz Scarlet is used to highlight up the reds, keeping a nice thin paint to glaze in the highlights. Pale Flesh is mixed into the red and applied over the chitin red once more, bringing the red highlights up higher. Cut back the recesses by pin-washing into each dark spot and bring out the contrast.

ebay hacks base

The new base, Elrik’s Hobbies Flora de Leaf, is primed with Army Painter Chaos Red. Using some Mephiston Red by GW, mixed with Flow Improver in the airbrush, start to build transitions over the base to build up a good border and transition. Next, Evil Sunz Scarlet is mixed with Flow Improver and sprayed over the base as a highlight on the tile. Troll Slayer Orange is next, creating a final highlight on the reds to brighten the edges and bring out all the different layers of reds. Weathered Wood is glazed between the tiles, creating contrast in the design. Be careful cutting in to avoid getting paint on the reds. Once the details are filled, highlight the edges of the red with Evil Sunz Scarlet, making the border between the reds and white pop.

ebay hacks base 2

Next, Old Mud and Light Dust from Secret Weapons Miniatures is used to create contrast in the gravel area. Old Mud is out down on the base, then Dust is brushed over the top. Grey is used on the rocks, in this case, Somber Grey from Vallejo. That same grey can be used to trace in shadows on the Weathered Wood details. For the wash, any shades like Dark Tone or Strong Tone from Army Painter will work, brushing over the dirt and gravel. When the wash is dry, drybrush Light Dust and Weathered Wood over the top of the gravel and rocks, bringing out highlights.

Finally, the model is mounted onto its new base. A few tufts of Gamers Grass is added onto the gravel, along with some Green Stuff World Leaf Litter. To lock them in, you can use matte varnish to seal everything.

ebay hacks

There you have it! With a few techniques and a new base, this model is revitalized with new life. Not all eBay models can be restored as such, but sometimes a few extra coats of paint and a new base is all they need in terms of TLC. Be sure to check out the entire transformation by watching the video below!