$500 Army Challenge: Codex Tyranids vs Harlequins

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The Tyranids are finally here with their own codex book. Come see what $500 gets you army wise and how it will do on the tabletop for the bugs!

Tyranids feast on all living things, even on snow-covered planets. The Harlequin and Ynnari need this planet move to defeat the ever-hungry swarm.

Juice and Phill go head to head with Ynarri and Harlequins versus Jormungandr Tyranids.Tyranids won the roll off to go first in the game.

Since there is a large point difference versus dollar difference between the two armies, the battle is taking a more narrative approach with the Tyranids being -1 to hit, an augmentation of the special rules that Jormungandr has.

harlequin vs tyranids 1

Phill, from Dark Bunny Creatives, brought two detachments, a supreme command with Yvraine ($26), Eldrad Ulthran ($26), a Shadowseer (26), and a Solitaire ($26). In the Battalion, two Troupe Masters and three Troupes ($40 each), five Skyweavers ($40 each), three Starweavers ($40 each), and a Shadowseer ($26). Total cost for this army is $570 before discount.

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Juice is fielding his Jormungandr Tyranid army with two battalion detachments. The first has a Swarmlord ($57.50), Hive Tyrant ($57.50), three units of 10 Hormagaunts ($30 each), and six Hiveguard ($140). The second Battalion contains two Hive Tyrants ($57.50 each), a Tervigon ($70), and three units of 10 Termagants ($30 each). Total cost for this army is $525 before discount.

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Turn one, Tyranids move to bring in the Hive Tyrants and try buffer against turn one assault from the Harlequins. In the psychic phase, Onslaught is cast on the Swarmlord, and Smite does kill a jetbike. Onslaught allows the Swarmlord to be able to charge after moving and advancing. The Hiveguard fires on the bikes, doing three damage to kill another bike. The Stratagem Pathogenic Slime (Use this Stratagem in your Shooting Phase. Select a Tyranids Monster from your army. Increase the Damage of its attacks by 1 for this phase) was invoked for two command points, helping taking out more jetbikes. Single-Minded Annihilation is also invoked, for two command points, to give one infantry unit the ability to shoot again, but no damage is done. The Swarmlord charges the bikes, taking one point of damage from overwatch. Adrenaline Surge is invoked for three command points to double attack by the Swarmlord, effectively wiping out the unit of bikes.

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Turn one for the Harlequins, the goal is to attack Hive Tyrants and hopefully take down the anti-psykers. In the psychic phase, Yvraine casts Gaze of Ynnead against the Swarmlord, doing three damage. She perils casting smite, taking damage but causing three more damage on the Swarmlord. The Shadowseer and Eldrad cast Smite on the Swarmlord, dropping him down to two wounds. Shooting phase, the troupe fires fusion pistols but misses. The Starweaver kills three Hormagaunts. The warlord takes a few more damage. Charging, the bike makes it into combat with the warlord, same with the troupe. In combat, the Warlord takes a lot of damage, leaving him with two wounds left. The Hive Tyrant below is killed by the other unit of Troupes and Troupe Master. The Troupe attacking the Swarmlord, but fails to kill him, leaving one wound left. The Swarmlord retaliates and kills the Troupe Master. Yvraine is able to take him down, however, with a Soulburst action.

Both armies have done immense damage against each other by the end of turn one. Will the Tyranids feast on the Harlequins in victory? Will the Harlequins and Ynnari be able to purge the hive fleet? To find out, be sure to press play on the video below and see for yourself!