Are Chinese GW Terrain Kits Poorly Made?

Baleful Realm Gates china games workshop

Something occurred to be when I was doing this unboxing of the new Age of Sigmar terrain kits, GW’s Chinese terrain kits just don’t seem to be as good as their multi-part kits that come out of England.

Sure they ‘sell out’ of nearly every run of the kits they produce in China (like the Plasma Obliterator) lately, but does that mean they are a quality product?

To me it seems like these new Age of Sigmar terrain kits, the Baleful Realmgates, and the Ophidan Archway are just made from an inferior grade of plastic that’s both cumbersome, and seems to hold less detail.

The designs on the new kits are great, don’t get me wrong, but they just seem to lack in overall quality in general. I like the modular design to the Ophidan Archway that lets you combine multiple kits, and the dynamic design of it’s buttresses. Likewise the Realmgates seem to be a very forward thinking design, that looks great on the tabletop in general. Well I suppose, until you get closer to the model that is.

It is possible that with these kits being copyrighted 2015 it is possible that they were just ‘farmed out’ to China on the fly when GW planners realized they need terrain for the Age of Sigmar release. Either way, I feel they can do better. Plus with so many alternative miniature companies out there nipping at their heels, it’s up to them to stay in the lead.

Via Games Workshop

Baleful Realmgates

This box contains one Ophidian Archway – a highly-detailed plastic scenery piece for use in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Featuring evocative carved images of great heroes in combat with terrifying monsters of legend, this is an amazing addition to any gaming table, sure to be the centrepiece of many of your own stories in the realms. Designed with modularity in mind, any number of Ophidian Archways can be combined to create huge, interlocking scenery pieces that will impress and awe anyone who sees them. A Warscroll is included, with full rules – unbox and play immediately!

Baleful realm gates china gw


  • Packaging is on point
  • Low part count makes assembly a snap
  • Warscroll rules included – play out of the box!


  • Plastic seems cumbersome, and not able to hold crisp details.


Ophidan Archway

This box contains two highly detailed plastic scenery pieces for use in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Designed not just to look incredible on the gaming table but also to serve practical gaming purpose, with space on and around the main gate to hold miniatures, this is an essential addition to any Warhammer fan’s collection. You’ll find a Warscroll in the box containing all the necessary rules for playing a game with this scenery immediately – just unbox and start playing!



  • Dynamic Three Dimensional Styling
  • Can be use for both the Age of Sigmar and 40k alike.
  • Kit is ‘expandable’ and can accommodate multiple Archways interconnected.
  • Warscroll rules included – play out of the box!


  • Again, plastic seems cumbersome, and not able to hold crisp details.


There’s lots more to see on the new kits in our video review below!

Age of Sigmar Baleful Realmgates & Ophidan Archway Review

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