Blood Angels Vs. Craftworld Mymeara: 8th Ed. Battle Report

Blood angels wal hor

Mephiston and his brothers are defending a planet against the invading forces of Craftworld Mymeara. Will they be able to hold the line and drive back the Xenos threat?

Stephen goes head to head with Phil, from Dark Bunny Creatives, with Blood Angels battling Craftworld Aeldari. These two armies will be fighting in a Dawn of War deployment, going after three objectives for four points each (not progressive). The secondary objective is Assassination, with will give three points for each HQ units slain. On roll off, Aeldari gain the ability to go first.

craftworld mymearaCraftworld Mymeara, run by Phil, is running a Spearhead Detachment with three Fire Prisms, two Wraith Lords, two units of Guardians, two Wave Serpents, and two Farseers with one on a jet bike. The Farseer on Jet Bike is the Warlord with a Phoenix Gem.

blood angels

Blood Angels, run by Juice, have Dante and Mephiston leading the charge. Backing them up in their full Batallion include three units of five tactical Marines, two Razorbacks as dedicated transports, a Storm Raven, Sanguinary Guard, and a squad of ten Vanguard.

Turn one, Phil starts off by looking for board control, moving around the board to try to mitigate deepstrikers. One stratagem was used to deploy a Fire Prism in the backfield. The Fire Prisms use a stratagem Link Fire to re-roll hits and wounds and use second fire mode to shoot twice. The Fire Prisms, using these stratagems, are able to take down the Storm Raven. One model dies upon disembarking the crashed Storm Raven, but four others and Mephiston are able to escape the wreckage unscathed.

blood angels vs eldar

Juice counters with his turn one by dropping in Sanguinary Guard and successfully casting Quickening and Wings of Sanguinius, giving him an extra move and an additional D3 attacks, plus adding 3 to advance and charge rolls. Shooting phase, the assault cannons fire at the Fire Prism, doing two wounds. Descent of Angels, plus a command point re-roll, are used to guarantee the charge against the Fire Prism. The Sanguinary Guard are able to make their 9″ charge against a Wraith Lord, as well as Mephiston making it into battle against the Wave Serpent. Mephiston does five damage to the Wave Serpent. The Sanguinary Guard do five damage against the Wraith Lord and loose one guard in the counter-attack.

Will the Blood Angels be able to weather the storm that is Craftworld Mymeara? Will the Aeldari be able to control the prized objectives? Find out the outcome of the battle by pressing play on the video below! Be sure to hop over to Dark Bunny Creatives and see all the fantastic projects they have worked on as well!