Chaos Space Marine Lord & Primarch Alternatives to Forge World


Chaos Space Marine Lord & Primarch Alternatives to Forge World

Wargame Exclusive has some delightfully corrupt new Chaos models for you worshipers of the Dark Gods. Give in to the power of Chaos with these new hot minis.

Wargame Exclusive is bringing you hobby maniacs another set of amazing models. The Grimskull line of Chaos themed miniatures are a great way to add to your collection, without breaking the bank.


Their quality sculpts are made at a very reasonable price. Although they ship out from Eastern Europe, they are well worth a little extra shipping time.


Chaos Hive Bringer $28.64


The Chaos Hive Bringer is an amazingly sculpted resin miniature. Coming with a custom base the Hive Bringer is dripping with detail all around. For the quality of the sculpt and the amount of detail on these models for their price may be quite right. All of the weapon components look great and are truly blessed by Chaos.


The 50mm base looks fantastic on the fully assembled model. Definitely channeling your favorite Nurgle blessed son, the Hive Bringer is full of gory detail. Even though these models do not come with introductions for assembly, you can always look up how to build them on Wargame Exclusive’s website.

Chaos Lord of the Night $28.64


Coming in out of the darkness, the Chaos Lord of the Night is another Gothic grim dark model dripping with goodness. This model looks very straightforward to put together even though it seems like a complex assembly. The weapon options look very intricate and easily show the level of sculpting worthy of Chaos.Chaos

The armor on this model is stunning and looks elegant enough to show its sinister touches. The beautiful model is a little smaller than other models from the Games Workshop line, so keep that in mind with this miniature.

Wargame Exclusive is quickly making itself into one of the best alternatives to Games Workshop out there for your hobby dollars. Check out the rest of the miniatures we unbox and build by hitting play on the video below!

Models provided for promotion & review

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.