How To Assemble & Paint Admech Skorpius Disintegrator

By Andrew Schrank | June 10th, 2020 | Categories: Adeptus Mechanicus, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

skorpiusDon’t miss how to assemble and paint the hot new Skorpius Disintegrator that now comes in the Adeptus Mechanicus Start Collecting set!

JonBius puts out some pretty good modeling content! He recently did an entire series on building and getting the Skorpius Disintegrator to the best he can get it. As someone who builds models occasionally, I could really learn some stuff from him, even though this is pretty focussed on new hobbyists.

Watch the video below for tips and even some extra steps that’ll make your model look like a pro did it!


How To Assemble & Paint Admech Skorpius Disintegrator

base model completeFirst up assemble the main chassis but leave off any of the extra bits so that you won’t have to paint around them later.

seperate partsMake sure you leave off the extra bits to make the painting process easier. You can place them to the side, for now, just be careful not to lose or get them mixed up. As you base and paint areas of the main model you can also do those steps to these bits, that way when the time comes all you have to do is to attach them.

cahsis is redFor painting, start by priming the whole chassis with Vallejo German Red Brown. Then using Vallejo Game Color Rojo Visceral Glory Red and thinned with airbrush thinner, coat the whole model being sure to keep brush strokes the same direction and try to avoid letting the paint to pool up. Then with Vallejo Flat Red, dry brush the model.

You can also dry brush the flat areas to give it some paint variation, using Citadel Wild Rider Red, drybrush the edges and details.

stripe is doneThere is supposed to be a white stripe on the front. For this, you can use masking tape to section off the areas where the stripe will be. Be sure to stick the tape on your hand a few times to make it less sticky, if it’s brand new tape and the paint isn’t completely dry you might pull off paint particles. With Citadel Screaming Skull you can apply it with a sponge to try to avoid spillage under the tape as much as possible by building it up as slow as possible.

Follow with a second coat with Vallejo Cold White. A nice positive to this method is it does some of the weathering for us so we won’t have to worry about it later!

model startedAfter that, you can begin to tackle the metallics. With Citadel Leadbelcher you can base all of the silver areas. Using Citadel Zadri Dust apply multiple thin coats to all the accented areas that would be this color, follow the box art to be sure.

Then you can apply your decals. Place a small amount of Future in the area that the decal will go, then slide the decal off the sheet onto the model and adjust it so it is straight. Once it is lined up take a Q-tip and roll it over the decal to make sure it is completely flat and to pick up excess future.

With that, you are done for now! the model is based and has simple details plus the decals!

Be sure to subscribe to Jonbius for more hobby tutorials on everything from Airplanes to Warhammer!