Creature Caster: King of Ecstasy Unbox & Build

By Barclay Montgomery | August 13th, 2019 | Categories: Creature Caster, Product Review, Unboxing, Videos

Slaanesh Never Looked So Good: King of Ecstasy Unbox & Build

Mr. Keep Your Secrets is here from Creature Caster! The King of Ecstasy is their latest addition that keeps you coming back for more and more.

Creature Caster is the premier place to find your fantastically sculpted miniatures. The King of Ecstasy is worthy of his title, and we will show you why soon! This kit is dripping with detail and features so let’s not waste time.

King of Ecstasy is scheduled to go on sale August 15th.

King of Ecstasy

First off, the King of Ecstasy has an excessive amount of parts and spikey bits. There are a few different weapon and head options to give you an idea of the scale of upgrades available. The king’s tattered robes barely cover his hideous demonic body. A little flash is on the resin of this model, so don’t forget to use your hobby skills.

King of Ecstasy

Compared to Forge World, the amount of flash on this model is minimal. The resin is of a great quality that allows for plenty of detail to show through. The sword arm has tons of detail and notches and has an alternate glaive option. The King comes with a mirrored shield, ripe for plenty of freehand painting or demonic effects.

King of Ecstasy

Standing at 8 inches tall, this imposing model looks impressive fully assembled. The lashing tongues all over this model make it worthy of the title of King of Ecstasy. The scythe arms are a particularly nice touch as are the demonic hooves.

King of Ecstasy

The back of the model is covered in wiry sinew and mutation. The overall presentation of this model is incredible and would totally dominate the tabletop once placed. Creature Caster is bringing the excess with their King of Ecstasy. Stay tuned for more exclusive reviews and unboxing here at Spikey Bits!

Models provided for promotion and review.