8th Death Korps of Krieg VS. Ork KIlla Kan Waaagh

death korps dkok

Don’t miss the valiant Death Korps of Krieg taking on some rusted out Orky Killer Kan Wall Waaaagh in this 8th edition battle report!

Austin and Kelsey go head to head in a relic battle with Orks and Astra Militarum. Victory points will be awarded for whomever has the Relic, First Blood, Slay the Warlord, and Linebreaker. Kelsey won the roll to go first.

ork killa team

Kelsey is fielding his ghost Orks in a Spearhead detachment with two Supreme Commands. The army contains: four units of three Killa Kans with rokkit launchas, eight Weirdboys, two Big Meks, a Painboy, the Mega Dread, and two Deff Dreads.

dkok team

Austin is fielding the Death Korps of Krieg with a Spearhead, Supreme Command, and a Batallion detachment. This includes: Primaris psykers, mortar teams,  heavy bolter teams, auto cannon teams, Lehman Russ tanks, a Praetor, and an Earth Shaker.

dkok v ork turn 1

Kelsey starts the game with aggressively heading for the relic and casting smite with enough successes and wounds to kill one Leman Russ tank. In the shooting phase, he is able to wound another tank, plus killing two members of the top mortar team. The Mega Dread charges and attacks with the rippa claw to kill the second Leman Russ. He ends the turn with First Blood and some Orks on the relic.

dkok v ork turn 2

Austin starts his turn on the defensive against the Mega Dread, as well as moving his army to protect big teams against smites. He is able to do some damage with his Primaris’ smites. The Praetor fires at the Mega Dread, taking it down to three wounds. He is able to kill the Dread with the melta guns. With others, he is able to kill one Deff Dread and wound the other Deff Dread.

Turn two, Kelsey is looking to get some units in combat and grab the relic. Austin is looking to defend against the Deff Dreads and grab the relic away from the Orks, as well as take some guys out with the flyer.

Who will grab the relic? Who will get Slay The Warlord? To find out, be sure to press play on the video below!