Forge World’s Largest Kit Ever: Imperial Fort Showcase

Imperial Fort Showcase

Do you remember this blast from 40k’s past? The parts laid out took up an entire 4’x6′ table of space! Forge World’s Imperial Fortress is a classic.

This thing is huge! This may arguably be the largest kit or set from Forge World in the history of plastic miniatures. We are bringing out a holy relic from the past to show off to you hobby maniacs out there. The Forge World Imperial Fortress Walls kit was originally on sale for 800 GBP in 2013. Knowing what we know today, the conversion factor calculations are nearly impossible to decipher.

Imperial Fort Showcase

The sheer size of this kit is an awesome sight to behold. Encompassing an entire 4 x 6 table, this resin kit is massive. Once fully assembled, a Baneblade can fit within the walls and front gate of the Imperial Fortress. Adorned with Gothic buttresses and defense cannons, this Fortress can be defended with ease.

Imperial Fort Showcase

The ramparts are a great place to set up a Tactical Squad of Space Marines to fire through the gun ports as the enemy advances. The wall sections look amazingly detailed with High Gothic architecture and defensive weaponry. The main gate fits together tight enough to lock together.

Imperial Fort Showcase

The main gate assembly is impressive with two ornate steeples. Point defense weapons and wall variations are all over this kit. The wall sections fit together in a wedge formation once assembled to create a solid structure.

Imperial Fort Showcase

A blast from the hobby past for sure!  Forge World is always producing massive an impressive plastic miniatures, but this Imperial Fortress may be the biggest yet. Once assembled, this Imperial Fortress will definitely dominate the tabletop with its sheer size and impressive nature.