Great Chaos Nurgle & Slaanesh Alternatives to Forge World: Spellcrow

Spellcrow New Minis

Check out this Chaos boutique resin gold mine. Spellcrow has some amazing Chaos Nurgle & Slaanesh alternatives to Forge World!

If you are looking for some affordable and fantastically sculpted miniatures for your Chaos army, Spellcrow may have what you need. Chaos is ever-changing, and these models will add some new flair to your Nurgle boys. Spellcrow is a resin-based miniatures company based out of Eastern Europe, and their models look great. We have some unboxing and builds ready for you to see.

Plague Obliterated Knights  $31.28Spellcrow New Minis

The Plague Obliterated Knights are our first models to unbox and review. Coming with 40mm bases, these will make fantastic Nurgle marked Obliterators. Amazingly detailed sculpting on these models looks great and they are at a very reasonable price.

Spellcrow New Minis

The variety of weapon options is dizzying. So many different sculpts and gun arms fit with the Obliterated Knights. Compared to the Games Workshop Obliterators, the Obliterated Knights are slightly smaller, so keep that in mind if you decide to use these models in your Chaos army.

Spellcrow New Minis

Plague Lord $14.36

The Plague Lord is another great Nurgle-themed model from Spellcrow. Also coming with a 40mm base, this Plague Lord could work very well as a Terminator Chaos Lord. The detail is very nice with the bloated belly and corrupted armor. Compared to Chaos Terminators, this Plague Lord looks the same size.

Spellcrow New Minis

Spellcrow is quickly making itself into one of the best alternatives to Forge World out there for your hobby dollars!  If you are looking for alternate model options for your Chaos army, check out Spellcrow today!


Miniatures Provided for promotion and review!