How to Paint Crimson Fists Space Marines

How to Paint Crimson Fists

We are breaking out the Crimson Fist style of painting this time around the beats lab. Next Level Painting is bringing you the latest and greatest painting tutorials.

Bringing a Terminator character out of stasis is the perfect way to get some paintwork done. Let’s get right into painting this Crimson Fist worthy enough for Pedro Kantor’s praise!

How to Paint Crimson Fists

After a quick priming, Secret Weapon Titan Dark Navy and Blue Black are our first colors for Crimson Fist blue. This is an interesting paint mix since Secret Weapon washes are more like glazes. Blue Black is a wash and we’ll mix it with the Dark Navy to darken our blue. Crimson Fists blue is a darker hue, so the dark wash from Blue Black keeps our blue on point.

How to Paint Crimson Fists

You have to be careful with Crimson Fists blue as the transition can be too harsh. For the next step, use just Titan Blue in your paint pot. This will serve as a mid-tone highlight to ease those transitions. Secret Weapon Federation Blue is added to the mix to brighten up our dark blue. Only use a little bit; you don’t want to turn this Crimson Fist into an Ultramarine!

How to Paint Crimson Fists

Moving on the actual crimson fist, Secret Weapon Old Rust is the perfect base. This Old Rust is more of a dirty brown than a red, so it shifts in transitions very well. Next up, grab some Secret Weapon Neo Burnt Red to add some layers to the Old Rust base. Glaze it over with your airbrush to keep your red popping. Comet Red from Secret Weapon finishes up the Crimson Fist work in a subtle way.

How to Paint Crimson Fists

Once complete with the armor color, you can move on tho the base colors for all the other portions of the model. Add some washes to your Crimson Fist and he’s good to go!

Check back soon for more painting tutorial videos from one of the greatest in the game: Next Level Painting!