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Here is more War Games Con coverage, but this time of my Looted Guard Army during the Team Touney.  This comes courtesy of Tastey Taste over at Blood of Kittens. Funny you can’t hear what I’m saying back. 😛 @ Tastey- MBG

Read More | August 15th, 2010

Here is an awesome preview of the New Space Marine Video Game from THQ, courtesy of Bell of Lost Souls. Check out all the videos over on the BoLS YouTube Channel– MBG

Read More | August 13th, 2010

MBG back again with my Blood Angels Playtest Game 3 Video. This time though it’s different- I’m running the Blood Angels, and Travis is playing Orks. Can you say Ghaz vs. Mephiston??!! I also have switched up the list, turning it more into a drop/ aggro assault army then the mech version I was running […]

Read More | April 21st, 2010

Hey guys, MBG back again with a Blood Angels Playtest Video of game 2. Again we tried out the following list vs. my Mech guard. Overall it was a good learning experience for what the new ‘Angels are capable of, and how to go about it. I like the fast moving vehicles, and the psykers, […]

Read More | April 13th, 2010

Hey guys, MBG back again with my first Blood Angels Playtest Video. We tried out the following list vs. my Mech guard. Overall it was a good learning experience for what the new ‘Angels are capable of, and how to go about it. I like the fast moving vehicles, and the psykers, but I don’t […]

Read More | April 8th, 2010

I played in a 2500 ‘Ard Boyz Tourney over the weekend at Groovy Geckos Comic and Games in Williamsburg, VA.  It’s a pretty cool store, and has a new owner now who is very motivated and cool to be around.  If you are ever on vacation in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia (Yorktown, Norfolk, […]

Read More | March 15th, 2010

I’m back with part two of my Tyranid play tests. I’ve learned a lot so far about these guys and how they work.  So far I’ve been working with the swarm mentality, but after these last games I’m beginning to think that some spores may be necessary to take down Mech lists that are designed […]

Read More | February 8th, 2010