Counts As Chaos Knight Armor Sets: Legio Models Unboxing

Counts As Chaos Knight Armor Sets: Legio Models UnboxingThese Legio Chaos Renegade Knight Upgrade sets are perfect for making an existing plastic Knight look just how you want it to complement your 40k army.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Legio Models bits, in fact, they are quite well known! Their knight’s bits are also top-notch and they haven’t disappointed yet. Let’s see what Rob thinks as he sees and unboxes the new kits for the first time!

Out of the gate, he does mention while a $75-$85 price range is a lot on top of owning the kit itself. However being able to call this knight, “My Knight” is one of the reasons that this hobby is so special!

renegade knight laid outRob lays out all the new bits for us and also mentions they have upgraded their resin ever so slightly. It might be a little hard to notice, but improvement is improvement none-the-less.

knight bits fitsWhile the bits don’t really slot in since they are designed for the Questoris class, they do still fit and can be glued in on the new plastic Renegade Knight kit no problem!

rotten armor knight

They also sent him this old Nurgle kit that we’ve seen before, but it is a great kit still! Look at all that detail and the Typhus style helmet too.

warmaster knight

Last is the Black legion themed kit. He went ahead and puttied it onto a skeleton and it looks great. Simple, but enough detail to stand out versus a normal Renegade knight!

That’s all he had to show us in this installment.  Be sure to watch the video below, and get your renegade upgrade sets from Legio Models today!

Upgrade sets provided for promotion & review