RETRO: Forge World’s 2007 Catalog Surprises

By Drago | June 4th, 2020 | Categories: 40k Flashback, Forge World, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

What was resin may now be plastic. Checkout the amazing transformation of Forge World in the 10 years between these catalogs.

Forge World has been inventing itself for many years, offering new and exciting things over the years. 10 years ago, things looked very different. The 2007 catalogue was in black and white, looking at changes from the offerings of Warmaster and Epic Armageddon and Battlefleet Gothic. Here’s a small summary of some things offered by Forge World back in 2007. To see the entire catalogue and hear about some differences between 2007 and 2017, scroll down and press play on the video below!

One thing that we haven’t seen again is the Lucius Pattern Warhound Titan. The titan is listed in the 2007 catalogue at $560, with the Mars Alpha Warhound Titan and Chaos Warhound Titan being the same price. Today, the price is at only $30 more than that.

The Baneblades were full resin kits with retrofitted pieces on different sets and look very different from current Baneblades. These were up to $250-300, where they are now $50-99. Some of the other tanks aren’t offered anymore while some are now fully plastic. The Chimera interior detail kit was once offered, which is no longer done and would not fit current vehicles.

Most of the vehicles had variants for various factions, such as Mars and Death Korps of Krieg.

Flyers have changed quite a bit as well. Valkyries are now available in plastic, where they used to be in resin only and were incredibly detailed.

The Vulture Gunship is now a conversion kit rather than a full kit as it was before.

The Thunderbolts and Thunderhawks have also been updated recently. Drop Pods were originally in resin and much smaller than current plastic kit. The Vindicator kit was once a resin upgrade for the MKIII rhino, and is now all plastic. They also had Space Marine Land Raider and Rhino door sets for many different companies.

Inquisition and Necrons did not have much room for items and only had a few items available. Chaos also had many doors available and price increase has only been $3 for the last year. Eldar had very little available except the Revanant Titan, several ships, and the Avatar. Orks had tons of vehicles and upgrade kits available. The Tau Manta has come down in price from 2007 and had commanders, Knarlocs, and Crisis Suit upgrade kits.

Tyranids has a lot of big baddies including the Trygon, an original in Resin with a lot more detail than the plastic kits. Also included was lots of terrain and kits available.

How’s that for some old school models and resins? Take a look at the entire catalogue and differences between 2007 and 2017 Forge World offerings by pressing play on the video below! Did you nostalgia? Let us know in the comments!