This is one of the Best NMM Gold Tutorials Out There: Squidmar

By Andrew Schrank | February 12th, 2020 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, How To Tutorial, Videos

squidmar nmmSquidmar is back with another one of his tutorials! Here’s his recipe for NMM gold Non-metallic Metals on his minis, which is one of the best by far!

Squidmar’s channel is rapidly growing due to his great tutorials ranging from full-scale models to tips, even to practical physics! This take on NMM Gold Tutorials should help all of us even if we don’t want to do NMM all the time.

Squidmar gold nmm

This is one of the Best NMM Gold Tutorials Out There

The main paints he uses in the tutorial are as follows: Scrofulous brown, Sun yellow, Rhinox Hide, Mournfang Brown, Matte Black, and Titanium White.

nmm base layersFirst up he mixes Scrofulous Brown and Mournfang together to get a good base color he then adds a pretty wide layer of Scrofulous Brown on the top sides of the armor plates and Mournfang on the bottom. He also uses Rhinox Hide to add a thin line on the very bottom to transition the shadows. As to where to paint, use reference pictures or following the video directly as highlights are in different spots than other techniques.

NMM Black linedNext, take Scrofulous and mix it with a white, covering the same areas as the pure Scrofulous before but now in a smaller area. Add a bit more white slowly, and keep adding layers getting smaller and smaller with brighter and brighter white concentration. Then take Sun yellow and use it as a super-light glaze to cover the areas we painted. Here you can also take a super thin brush and add very thin Black lines around the edges of sections to help separate them.

Nmm doneAfter you black line you can add a bright highlight with the same technique as before to really separate all the sections. After that use the Sun Yellow as a glaze again to top it off. After that, he adds some Mournfang and Rhinox to the “dull” areas to increase the contrast and make it pop more. He also uses that on the inside of the leg where the metals wouldn’t be shining/reflecting as much.

A that hopefully is one of the best NMM Gold Tutorials you have seen in a while too!  Be sure to use a wet palette if you can and wet blend for the best effect as well!

Squidmar Miniatures is a great place to learn all kinds of painting techniques!  Be sure to subscribe to Squidmar Miniatures YouTube channel for more tutorials.