If you think Chaos sucks, you may change you mind after reading this. Come see why Chaos can rise to nearly any occasion, and players never seem to be ready for them!
Another Long War Two-Fer is HERE – Checkout our fantastical webcast and new and exciting podcast of table-top wargaming awesomeness.
Top 5 Reasons Chaos is Secretly Good
Here’s the abridged list of why Chaos is so good that we talked about on the podcast below!
- Players and TO’s always seem to forget that Chaos Daemons can dominate any “vacuum” meta out there.
- MSU Gorepack formation for Daemonkin may be one of the best in the game
- Army-wide Feel No Pain from Daemonkin can make Chaos Hounds some of the most resilient units ever.
- D- Thirster, Spell Familiars, and Screamers, Chaos has some of the best
- Fist of Khorne – First turn assault formation makes Berzerkers all that they can be!
Top 5 Reasons Chaos is Secretly Good – Episode 17 –
Our webcast is always happening every Wednesday night at 8pm over on the Long War Google Plus page. It’s time to bring the hobby back to wargaming BABY! The Long War is HERE, come celebrate the hobby in a hangout with us! We cover everything hobby wise from table top war games like Warhammer 40k, and X-wing.
Whether it’s building, converting, painting or playing with your models, the Long War has you covered. Don’t miss our brand new podcast too. The Long War is streaming strong, all day long!
Join us for our ‘After Hours’ tournament talk, hobby insights, and more! We’ll also be discussing new army lists, submissions, and YOUR questions as well via the Wednesday night webcast. Tabletop Market Watch, Tournament Talk with Juice, and Listener Q&A from the Wednesday webcast.
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