Tyranids Vs. Ultramarines: Pre-Adepticon Battle Report

tyranids eternal crusade hor wal

Tyranid Hive Fleet Lexus takes on the Ultramarines and Guilliman in a 2000 point Pre-Adepticon battle report. Which list do you think will come out on top?

In preparation for Adepticon, Juice and Daniel meet up to prepare for the hard-hitting tournament lists at Adepticon. This battle will be using Adepticon missions and Tertiary objectives. Juice is aiming for Lead from the Back, Marked for Death, Vanguard, Big Game Hunter, and Fire for Effect. Daniel will be going for Marked for Death, Fire for Effect, Lead from the Back, Linebreaker, and Vanguard. The randomly chosen deployment is Table Quarters. Daniel wins the roll off to go first.

hive fleet lexus tyranids

Juice is bringing his Hive Fleet Lexus brigade, lead by the Malanthrope warlord. The brigade also includes two Kronos Tyrants with wings, five squads of Termagants, a squad of Rippers, Spores, Hive Guard, and Biovores. This is supported by a Supreme Command detachment with three Maguses. As well, there is a Kraken Hive Tyrant as an Auxillary detachment.

Guillimans disco

Daniel leads the Ultramarines, featuring Guilliman himself as an Auxillary detachment. He is supported by a battalion with thee units of snipers with camo cloaks, a Lieutenant, Fire Raptor, and two Razorbacks as a dedicated transport. The list also includes a Spearhead detachment with three missile launcher squads, as well as another Razorback with autocannons.

Daniel begins the game going for the progressive objectives and aiming to get the tertiary objectives as much as possible. His goal is to try to take down as much of the Hive Guard threat as possible. He is able to take down the two squads of three Hive Guard. One unit of Termagants was taken out, giving Daniel Fire for Effect objective for taking down three units. He was not able to take out all of the Termagant units that were marked for death.

raptor vs tyranids

Juice’s turn one goes for securing objects and bringing in Hive Tyrants, popping his Kraken behind enemy lines. Daniel was able to use a stratagem and do three damage to one of the incoming tyrants. One Magus takes over the Fire Raptor and fires everything at Guilliman. Since the rule book says he cannot be targeted in the shooting phase, and this is the psychic phase, he is targetable. The Hive Guard and others were able to take out quite a few units of Devastators. One Hive Guard is able to pull in the other unit to close combat as well.

Lots going on in both armies for turn one, with turn two leading the way to counter some of the different events. Who will come out on top in this battle? Be sure to press play on the video below and find out the outcome, as well as some great tips for strategizing your targets.