WD #45 Review – Blood Angels Codex & Tactical Squad

By Rob Baer | December 8th, 2014 | Categories: Product Review, Videos, White Dwarf



Dragons and Vampires OH MY! The lastest releases from Games Workshop are stuffed into yet another great issue of White Dwarf!

That’s right the new White Dwarf is here, and to be honest this issue is probably one of the best ones Games Workshop has put out in awhile.


First off new release coverage aside, there was both a great Paint Splatter, and sprues and glue article as well as, tons of coverage on both Smaug and the new Blood Angels.


(Spolier alert Smaug is already sold out online)


This weeks Paint Splatter was another on the Blood Angels, and boy was it good.

There was also a fantastic Sprues and Glue article as well featuring some great ideas on how to mix the existing Space Marine kits with the Blood Angels ones to make some great looking models!


Also if you missed it Games Workshop put out a FREE DOWNLOAD Adamatine Lance Dataslate over the weekend.

Checkout a fresh look at the latest issue in my video below! Who’s getting Blood Angels this week? -MBG