Chaos Character Resin Alternatives to GW: Wargame Exclusive

Chaos Character Resin Alternatives to GW Wargame ExclusiveCheck out some affordable Chaos Character models that look great! WGE is quickly making itself into one of the best alternatives to Games Workshop

Wargame Exclusive sent Rob another mini to review ahead of schedule and he has no issue with it. They consistently deliver sweet sculpts and deserve all the attention they get. Let’s take a look at this newest model, plus a quick look at two more Chaos-y ones as well!

Get yours today from Wargame Exclusive

grimskull packageAfter Rob shows us their catalog online we jump straight into him having it in his hands! With the signature simplistic packaging, the only downside of the product is getting your LGS to get a few.

noisemaker frontOnce it is assembled we get a full idea of what this model is. As per Wargame Exclusive fashion, there is no lack of detail. Between the claws on the feet and all the armor details, you can really go all-out painting this guy if you want!

noisemaker sideFrom the back view, we can also see the immense detail on the armor and base.

noise maker scaleHe also gives us an idea about the scale next to a primaris marine. He is pretty much exactly the same size.

chaos doctorAfter the look at the Noisemaker, he wasted no time jumping into a Fabius Bile figure. Although he doesn’t go into as much detail, we can see in the picture he is about the same size and doesn’t sacrifice any detail they are known for.

kharn wge

Immediately after Bile gives us another look at a model. This one is clearly a Khorne themed champion, or perhaps even Lady Kharn. The detail and scale of this bad girl once again match those of her counterparts.

wge lineupUltimately, all of these models are stunning and would fit into any Chaos army out there!

Get yours today from Wargame Exclusive

And that does it for this one! Be sure to watch the video below for Rob’s full breakdown! Patreon supporters of Spikey Bits get models like this each month shipped to them.

Models provided for promotion & review

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