Problems Facing an Imperial Guard Miniatures Update

Imperial-guard-wal-horLet’s be honest we all want an Imperial Guard miniatures update, but there is one major problem they face for getting a model update.

Before you start yelling about Space Marines and Sisters getting all the new minis (we know it sucks for basically every other faction…) hear us out for a minute. It’s actually another faction that stands in the way of the regular human fighters of the Imperium. Who? the Genestealer Cults of course!

The problem is that the two factions have tons of shared minis, where the GSC versions are basically just the same kits with a few extra bits thrown in. That would mean that any new “generic” Imperial Guard miniatures would have to be backward compatible. Because GW would still have to keep producing all the old kits for the GSC, perhaps with the new model components as well.

While it’s not insurmountable, it’s something to think about.

It could of course actually not even be a consideration that goes through GW’s mind, but we thought it was worth a mention for sure to all our Xenos homies out there.

Problems Facing an Imperial Guard Miniatures Update

99120117010_GSCBroodBrothers01The Brood Brothers are a prime example of a kit that would have to be backward compatible. They are basically literally the Guard kit with different heads and a few bits. This is the biggest kit that could bring an issue, but if the rumors of DKoK getting a rework, maybe they wouldn’t have to worry about it.

Cadian TroopsWell, these are basically the same.

Almost Identical Kits

Scout SentinelOn the website, these are just the same mini for both factions. If they update this though, that could mean the GSC gets some free mini-updates as well.

Leman RussThis is just another kit that can be used by both and is basically identical.

Maybe a Dual Update?

Maybe because they have so much in common, we could see them as a dual release. Even though they have moved off on two a month releases, we could easily see them come out together. That would make sense since they would both be getting some new minis that could work for both. It would make sense and could make it easier for both factions.

Gaunts Ghost’s Reveal

Gaunts ghosts 3 rNow that the first actual Imperial Guard miniatures are here in plastic since perhaps the Scion release, we know that GW has the chops to make dope-ass-looking Imperials of any doctrine for sure.

Imperial preacher sisters of battleJust look at this preacher dude too, GW can easily crank out more guardsmen, and quite probably have them slated already for production (if the rumors are to believed).

Gaunts ghosts 2 rIf you read any of the books, then you know exactly who all these guys are! The minis all look amazing and capture the essence of each character. It feels like a plastic kit for them has been a long time coming and we are super excited it’s finally here.

So can GW make new guardsman? I’d say they’d have no problem at all doing som as the “backward compatible” issue isn’t insurmountable by any means. It is just another issue in the way of the poor Guard getting some new or updated stuff across the whole line.

Do you think we’ll see a Guard mini update this year? What faction do you want to see get an update the most?

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