New Japanese Space Marine Pictures Look To Be True Scale

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Games Workshop stores in Japan are finally getting twelve new Space Marine hero figures. Come checkout these fantastic looking miniatures!

It was almost two months ago when we first got a preview of these 12 Space Marine Heroes, and they’re now making it to Games Workshop stores across Japan.

Warhammer Harajuku posted a couple pictures of their display, let’s take a look.

Space Marines 12 Heroes Collect

12 Space Marine Heroes

If those bases are 32mm like the current Tactical kit, do you think these marines are significantly taller and wider than their multi-part kit counterparts pictured below?

space marines tactical sq

Current Space Marine Tactical Squad

12 Space Marine Heroes 12 Space Marine Heroes

Series one of the Space Marine Heroes series is now available for customers in Japan and they’re looking great! Is that a rocket leaving the barrel of the rocket launcher? We’re also seeing the blue plastic again, is Games Workshop doing away with their normal grey, or is this the case of the Vedros “starter push-fit” marines?

But what about the rest of the world? Are these going to be available anywhere else in the future? Brother Dolor, Brother Remus, Brother-Sergeant Sevastus, Brother Calistus, and Brother Cast were all announced to be included in the first part of this series. We haven’t heard anything about the second part of the series yet, or the models that will be included, so be sure to check back in with us for the latest updates.

What do you think about these new Space Marine Heroes? Should they be available everywhere instead of being dedicated to just one region? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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