2 New Undefeated 40k Army Lists For The New Year

space marine wal hor tourneyAnother 40k tourney is under our belt and the top three army lists turned out to be all Imperium. Check out what these players brought!

The Zenergy Gamers 40k event was hosted for a single day and used ITC scoring for the format. Once all the games were over and the smoke cleared, it turned out that three Imperium lists made it to the top. Let’s break down what each player brought!

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

zenergy gamers

3rd Place: Ultramarines- Drew Rhodes

ultramarine wal


zenergy gamers drew 1Looking at this Ultramarine list, a small gunline was formed out of some Scouts and Intercessors. However, Chaplain Cassius was taken with all the range-buffing litanies (like +1 to hit and +1 to wound against the closest thing). These were probably used on the 10-man squad of Intercessors along with the Rapid Fire Strat to pump 40 -1 bolter shots at the enemy. For a little anti-vehicle support, a single Contemptor Mortis Dread with lascannon arms made it to the field.

zenergy gamers drew 2Of course, it wouldn’t be an Ultramarine list if Robbie G didn’t show up as well. But finally, a Spearhead was brought with a Captain being turned into a Chapter Master. Four total models of Victrix Honour Guard were brought for character protection. As for the remaining anti-armor aspect of the list, Centurions with Grav-cannons and a storm cannon Leviathan were brought. A Single Thunderfire also camped the backfield and halved the movement of two units a turn against the enemy. Great job!

2nd Place: Salamander/Imperial Soup- Alex Fogle

salamander marine


zenergy gamers alex 1There’s a lot going on in this list but essentially, this is a Salamanders force with a splash of the Inquisition. For 100 pts, Lord Hector Rex was thrown into a Battalion of Salamanders. While he’s only T3, for 100 pts, you’re getting a storm shield save and a sword that does mortal wounds against Daemons. Grey Knights wish they were this guy. However, if this list wasn’t running against Daemons, his psychic powers were still incredibly useful.

A Chapter Master in Phobos Armor picked up the force for rerolls and was also accompanied by a Lieutenant. As far as Troops go, three Intercessor squads were brought with two lugging around Thunder Hammers for some cheap Smash Captain damage output. Two Redemptors hung out mid-field and pelted light enemy units with infantry-killing firepower while Eliminators were dug-in with cover and scoured the field for enemy characters.

zenergy gamers alex 2A second Battalion of Salamanders was brought with another Lieutenant and a Phobos Librarian taking command. Some Incursors and Scouts were brought for an early mid-field presence and a Repulsor Executioner as well as a Thunderfire Cannon hung back and lobbed volleys of fire at high-value enemy targets.

1st Place: Imperial Guard- Thomas Walsh

guard hor wal imperial astra militarum


zenergy gamers thomas 1Going into this mainly-Guard list that came in first place (something we haven’t seen in a while), Thomas rolled out the Cadians in full force with Castellan Creed at the head! We haven’t seen him make a competitive list since 8th edition dropped! Moving into the detachments, Creed led a Battalion of Guard mixed in with some Astropathas and a Tech-Priest Enginseer. This was mainly a support detachment for the CP.

zenergy gamers thomas 2Moving into the real punch of the force, a Spearhead Detachment was taken with the Vigilus Formation being brought giving a Battle Cannon essentially a ranged Thunder Hammer profile. Mortars filled out the Heavy slots to pulverize enemy screens and uproot units off of objectives out of LOS. Anf finally, a Super-Heavy Detachment was brought with roughly half the lists points being funneled into it.

A Castellan with two Armiger Moiraxes armed with Lightning Locks (the Forge World version of Armigers) were brought. The Knights combined with all the Tank Commanders meant for an early grave for any armored unit going against this list. Great job taking first with a unique list!

 What are your thoughts on all these lists? Are Castellans considered anti-meta these days? Which Space Marine Chapters do you think are worth sacrificing Doctrines for other units besides Space Marines? 

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