2 Shadowy New Miniatures For Warhammer+ Plus Revealed

Warhammer + plus announcementGW previewed two mysterious new Warhammer+ Plus miniatures and the upcoming animation schedule for the app; check it out!

Over the past few years, hobbyists got to purchase exclusive miniatures if they subbed to Warhammer+ Plus for an entire year. In 2022, there was Chaos Sorceress and a World Eaters Terminator based on Mark Gibbons’ artwork.

Then, they teased some new animations, which is good news if you’re subscribed. All of this comes after a recent price increase and paywalling the army builder portion of their app behind Warhammer +, which should hopefully help the value of the app.

Games Workshop Reveals New 2023 Warhammer+ Plus Miniatures

Warhammer Community has just shown off the two new Warhammer+ plus exclusive models, and many hobbyists’ guesses were dead on!

GW Reveals New 2023 Warhammer+ Plus Miniatures – Kasrkin

veteran Kasrkin

So pretty much everyone was right with their guesses here. The first model, “Unbroken,” does represent a veteran Kasrkin standing at ease for Warhammer 40k.

Inspired by a classic piece of Karl Kopinski art, Unbroken presents a veteran Kasrkin standing at ease. The miniature faithfully depicts details from a classic piece of Warhammer artwork, including the curved power sabre, the rebreather and goggles worn high on his scarred head, and the inverted combat blade on his chest.

It’s a fantastic piece for collectors and painters, perfect for working into dioramas, or perhaps even just as a unique Sergeant for your Kasrkin.

GW Reveals New 2023 Warhammer+ Plus Miniatures – Karlina Von Carstein

Karlina Von Carstein


Not quite what we many had though as guesses ranged from a new Dark Eldar Archon to something for AoS Death, but this is big news for all the Sylvania fans out there.

Decked out in majestic fluted armour, Karlina Von Carstein is a sinister Vampire Lord armed and ready to do battle. In one hand she holds an elegant falchion decorated with a thorny rose, and in another an empty chalice awaiting the lifeblood of her foes. This miniature has a choice of two heads – one helmet with a bat-wing motif, the other with an exaggerated aristocratic hairstyle befitting an immortal terror of the Mortal Realms – you don’t reach a few thousand years old without picking up some eccentric ideas about fashion. 

GW Previews New Warhammer+ Plus Miniatures & Animations

The new info about Warhammer+ Plus Animations and 2023 Miniautres comes from Warhammer Community.

Warhammer + New MiniaturesLet’s start with the new miniatures. The mini on the right is pretty easy to identify as an Imperial Guard mini, and more specifically, looks very similar to the old Kasrkin Sergeant.

The model on the left is a little more mysterious, as it could easily be a Dark Eldar/Eldar model or obviously could be a Vampire or Elf of some kind for Age of Sigmar.

Warhammer+ Plus Cadian Kasrkin:

Warhammer + New Miniatures

In the closeup, it’s hard to say anything other than Kasrkin.

kasrkin 40k


If you look back at the old kit, the outline looks very similar to the old sergeant but mixed in with the new style.

You may remember this model’s pose from an iconic piece of 4th edition Warhammer 40k art by Karl Kopinski:Karl Kopinski Kasrkin Warhammer plus art

Warhammer+ Plus Dark Eldar Archon (?):

Warhammer + New Miniatures 2This looks like a power sword and grail, or is it a vampire and ornate sword? Considering they have done an AoS model the last two years, it would make sense for this to be an AoS mini, but we’re not giving up the idea it could be two 40k models.

It does look very similar to this old Finecast Dark Eldar Archon Model with Bonesword however.

Dark Eldar Archon Finecast Warhammer+ Plus

Last year, GW revealed the minis in full in October, so we’ll see if they continue the trend.

New Warhammer+ Plus Animations

Warhammer + New Miniatures 4

Space Marines, Adepta Sororitas, Necrons, and a Chaos Knight? There are a lot of hints in that teaser trailer about some exhilarating animations coming up in the next annual subscription. 

The video below has some very small teasers for the upcoming animations, but if you love Knights, Sisters, or Necrons, the new animations might be right up your alley!

The animations have come out a little slower than we had hoped from the beginning, but it’s nice to see some new animations are actually on the way.

Is Warhammer+ Plus Worth It?

There is financial value if you sign-up for the launch anniversaries of the Game Workshop releasing Warahmmer+ Plus, as you can get the minis, some vouchers here and there, and access to the army builder app (check out free alternatives here); this all may make it worth it for some hobbyists.

However, with the recent price increase, you really want to have to watch pretty much every animation on the site, and really, if you sign up for a year, you save money as the yearly subscription is not rising in cost. 

Like anything, if the animations, the app, and the miniatures are enough for you, go ahead and sign up. If you don’t really care about that stuff, then don’t spend the money! Vote with your hobby dollars, as it’s really the only way we can change things in the hobby.

Click Here For Free Alternative Warhammer 40k Army Builder Apps!

What do you think the new Warahmmer+ Plus miniatures are? 

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