Three 40k Army Lists That Took the Renegade Open GT By Surprise!

Grey Knights Wal Hor

These 3 40k army lists took the Renegade Open GT by surprise,  There are players that still bring what they want and give top armies a run for their money.

The Renegade Open GT brought all the latest meta-armies to bear. However, with the top tables flooded with Space Marines, there are some players that brought things that others might not have considered. Here are some top homebrew lists from the event.

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

renegade open

Grey Knights- Mark Weiss


draigo spire of madness lore

renegade GT Grey Knight 1

Grey Knights might be a bit of a shocker to anyone out there. Especially in the midst of all the Space Marine hype. It takes a true die-hard fan to roll out Grey Knights to a tournament. And while they did get nerfed into the ground over an over to where it became a meme, Grey Knights did get a slight bonus with Shock Assault giving them a bonus attack.

Looking at this list, the two main characters for the Grey Knights led a Battalion of Strike Squads with Falchions (arguable the best weapon to pair with Shock Assault) and a Land Raider.

renegade GT grey knight 2

A Supreme Command Detachment of Grand Masters and Brother Captains were also brought with the Warlord giving a reroll charge aura within 6″. Honestly, this is the best Warlord Trait in the book and is what we see time and time again in lists. Next, a Vanguard was brought with a quarter of the lists’ points dumped into a huge Paladin squad with a Warding Stave for a better invuln save and more Falchions. Servitors were also brought as cheap place-fillers to net more CP for the list.

Overall, this list had a ton of little bodies with two major targets for the enemy to deal with. Great job and thanks for not giving up hope on the Imperium’s secret Psykers!

Salamanders- Tim Doran



renegade GT salamanders 1

Bringing Salamanders, this player took what you wouldn’t normally expect. Obviously, flamers were a part of the army but not in the most obvious choices. Starting off an entire Brigade was taken filling up the Troops sections with cheaper troops.

renegade gt salamanders 2

Next, Tim dabbled in flamers of all kinds across the Space Marine armory bringing flamer Aggressors, Centurions with flamers, Warsuits with flamers, and even Land Speeders with flamers!

Of all the lists spotted at the event, this probably had the most auto-hitting capabilities out there. To tighten everything up, a single Eliminator squad, a Devastator squad with a single Lascannon, and a Thunderfire cannon were brought.

Dark Eldar- Andrew Stiernagle

Dark Eldar Wal Hor


renegade GT dark eldar 1

Jumping into another Brigade for the Dark Eldar, this list spammed Archons and Kabalite Warriors for mandatory slots to be filled on the cheap.

renegade GT dark eldar 2Next, this list brought three squads of index Kabalite Trueborn for some mini-melta firepower. For just over 100 pts, each squad of five had a potential of 5D3 damage! But moving into the Fast Attacks, Scourges with Haywire Blasters also made it to the board, hunting the scariest vehicles and elites that the enemy had in his list.

renegade GT dark eldar 3

And finally, Ravagers backed up the tank-popping capabilities that this list had with Kabalite Warriors loading up into Raiders and Venoms and racing up the board toward objectives.

Overall, this list was fragile (like most Dark Eldar lists) however, it had some immense speed and so many targets that just looking at it on paper, the enemy would have a hard time dealing with. Great job!

What’s your favorite list of all these three? Do you run something similar?

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